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Lepton (1/13)



  1. We are unable to coordinate overnight trips (i.e. camping) due to the population with which we work, but we are going to a local Zoo next week and are considering a trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium sometime during the summer months. Great suggestions! Both of which are perfect for a segue into recognizing their own forms of body language and non-verbal communication. As clinicians we often point out that what they are telling us verbally is not what their body is telling us. It would be interesting to see if by studying various animals we could generate some understanding and potential ' Ah Ha!' moments for the students by allowing them to be the observer rather than the observed. Thank you. Based on its simplicity and the fact that our students love to venture out and explore (as it offers a means for removing themselves from the monotony of residential living) this is definitely something we will consider. Thank you.
  2. I am definitely giving that idea consideration. We have already had a students pet turtle in a meeting and I am considering the idea of bringing my son's albino corn snake in for a visit. I will formulate a lesson plan around snakes if I do so. Thank you for the suggestion. We are located in California. It is strictly Zoology at this point because the elected student officers have chosen it as their current area of interest and the student members have all concurred. You make a very valid point and I think I will attempt to find a way to use animal behavior as a means to possibly enlighten the students about their own behaviors.
  3. I work with emotionally disturbed teens ages 12-18 at a non-profit agency and as part of my duties I have been thrust into the position of advisor for their Science Club. Although I am well versed in the psychological field, my knowledge when it comes to Zoology is quite limited and since this is the current area of student interest I am reaching out for your help. I understand that this is not a request for homework assistance per se, but I am seeking ideas and information relevant to Zoology. Mainly, ideas about which areas of Zoology would be most beneficial for teens to learn as well as ideas on how to invoke the most interest out of the topic itself. Any suggestions on activities are also welcome. As are suggestions relevent to formulating lesson plans. Thank you.
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