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  • Favorite Area of Science
    non speculating

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. in my opinion gravity is the resultant of forces upon objects on earth due to the spinning... but the angular momentum of earth remains constant and so we have objects`s weight... counter reaction of objects to this spinning is the friction... by extrapolation came G,who is an imitation of g and is calculated by g... so G formula and value are very doubtful... you big dusty savants look like in the moliere plays,a bunch of doctors disputing at a sick man`s head...
  2. no,no,sir,sorry,if too ofensive... i try only to stick to my humble little bike-theory,if this be good for anything whatsoever...
  3. yes,but this laws are not only words,when they are functioning... ok,the objects may attract themselfs,if you insist,but in our case is about other things... i am not impresioned by big names like einstein or eisenstein or eisenhauer or reiffeisen and i don`take anything for granted because keeps busy children in school... with all respect,we can build any theory,give any explanations where we don`t know exactly and speculate for ever about things we cannot prove... i like SF too,when i see movies,but only if they come with new ideas...
  4. so it appears,but maybe not entirely...i don`t know... the momentum conservation law of objects in rotational movement (ex. the gyroscope,the wheels of bike,earth,etc.) stats that this objects will counter react to a force apply to them with a reverse force,perpendicular on the plane of the force applied... i experienced this with my bike,an interesting science toy and so it explains how the gyroscope can show altitude...
  5. so,if gravitation can be counter act in the space men training with a machine moving aprox. against the rotation of the earth,that is it is generated mainly by the reverse movement... i am aware only by the earth gravity... i don`t know how came all this movement historically and why... yes,we are bound by the ground of the earth with friction and all our movements are accelerated looking in space...
  6. please consider my new theory of gravitation... according to the law of the conservation momentum for rotational object (gyroscope,earth,...),if you apply a force towards them,they will counteract with an equal reverse force,perpendicular to the plane of you force... every inertial body applies a force against the earth rotation and revolution,according to their inertial massa (this force is friction) counter orientated to the rotation of the earth and nevertheless they are carry away with it,because it has a bigger massa... so,this counter reaction of earth to frictional objects is directed towards his center and is generated because of his rotational movement (one of his composed rotational movements)... gravity with friction are generated together like the centripetic and centrifuge forces during rotation... please help me how to use this theory from now on with your discutions ... thanks
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