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  • Location
    Hants, UK
  • Interests
    Motorcycles, pigeons
  • College Major/Degree
    London Uni
  • Favorite Area of Science
    physics/philosophy, natural history
  • Occupation
    retired medic


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  1. I think this sort of thing is mentioned in in: http://www.mtnmath.com/whatth/node62.html : a later paragraph discusses whether one or other detection can be considered to 'cause' the collapse of the state of uncertainty in both I think the point is that, for a particular pair, it would not matter when, or at what distance from the source, one or other was detected because they are supposed to be entangled anyway. 'if one is further' it would be detected 'later', but supposedly its state would have already collapsed at the moment the earlier detection occurred. Vice versa would seem untestable but I think it has been demonstrated in double slit experiments
  2. Good stuff, and I don't think StarTrek has currency. I prefer STVoyager which seems a little, not much, less pompous but people do still complain about the coffee etc. The technology bit is always secondary to the Utopian framework - the main problems, apart from replicator food, is that the captain soon gets to understand what the aliens are trying to say even if they do happen to speak Amglish, and why everyone is so dutiful There has been a lot of dross but I have been waiting for an especially good time paradox 2 part Voyager story (there have been plenty) and can't remember what it was called
  3. You are not missing anything but apologies and thanks again, I see that my last post did not make any sense at all And I see that a message travelling at the speed of light could 'think' it was everywhere in its path at once, since no time would seem to pass for it between B and A if it travelled at c., but to an observer at A it would still seem to take a year - a bit late to make any difference indeed!
  4. I think I understand that Aspect, and later The Gisin Team in Geneva, showed that Bell's inequality was violated and that therefore there were no EPR ‘hidden variables’. However, and according to Relativity, it seems that ‘messages’ could have been sent between the entangled particles, without invoking an especially ‘spooky’ interaction Supposing the detectors were separated by a light year when one of the two randomly positioned detectors detected a particle:- As follows it might seem that the other detector could simultaneously take an equivalent reading when a light-speed message travelled between them, while no time would pass for the message on the trip From the point of view of an observer near the central emitter, it would take 6 months before he could ‘see’ the particle being detected by both detectors, and from the point of view of an observer near a detector it would take 1 year before he could ‘see’ the other detector taking its reading. It would appear to him to have taken just a year for the light to arrive from other detector i.e. a light-speed message could arrive at a detector, from the other, at the same moment it made its own measurement So, just relying on Relativity, perhaps it could be possible for some sort of light-speed message to influence an entangled particle at any distance without the need to regard it as being especially ‘spooky’ How is this wrong please?
  5. Thanks, I think I get it now! I had interpreted 'perpetual motion' literally as movement that goes on and on, yet this is no problem according to the usual rules; I understand now because you explained that the energy, which was was there already, is just conserved Re. "The planets actually lose energy as they orbit the Sun but this is arbitrary and is not noticeable" - this was interesting and I suppose the energy is conserved by being passed to other bodies Appreciate the rapid advice
  6. I understand that e.g. pollen grains reflect the movement of the molecules in the e.g. water around them Perhaps the induced movement of the pollen indicates that they have absorbed some energy and this generates some heat through friction, returning it to the system as the molecules lose heat to the pollen This, like the rotation of planets, looks like 'perpetual motion', so may I ask what is really going on?
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