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Everything posted by pogono

  1. I would rather not to give it for public information. The journal is present on philadelphian list, but it is not top 10. There are many sorts of people in the Internet, and the acceptance in mainstream journal for such idea is rather fragile. If you would like to make comments on it - tell me. I will ask editor to send copy for your review. P.S. Why it is fragile? I describe E-M wave as disturbance in time-space structure, traveling through time-space. If you consider above for few minutes, it is obvious that: - since we treat time-space as medium for E-M wave propagation, it must be possible to describe E-M wave as local disturbance in time-space structure. But it is very fragile and close to ATM.
  2. Hi ajb. Thank you for your response. I have already talked to Editor (my paper was taken into peer review revision). He asked me for my reviewer proposals (besides pointed by redaction). That is why I ask, if someone would like to act in this role. Regards pogono
  3. Hello all, here you may find article draft http://tp-theory.net/tpt_eng.pdf where I prove that: 1) light has always "c" speed for any observer and there is no ether, but... 2) photon is explained as disturbance in time-space structure, traveling through this time-space with field equations exchanging Maxwell equations 3) Schwarzschild metric is recapitulated with proper time increment related to field, that works for any field 4) I define Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics for generalized field 5) Minkowski Metric is explained as the result of keeping constant light speed for rotating reference frames I appreciate if you validate it. P.S. I am looking for reviewers for peer review publication. Would anyone come forward? Regards pogono
  4. Hello, I am looking for someone who could help me to finish the theory attached. It is based on time dilation effect, but I analyse dilation as a field itself. As yet theory predicts expected delay of high-energy photons from gamma flashes vs. the visible light compliant to results obtained with observations through the FERMI telescope (flashes from the GRB090510 source). It also pass OTW tests. Bibliography in the article. If you are physicist or you know physicist who could help me - please contact me at piotrogonowski.pl@gmail.com Thank you in advance for any support Piotr Ogonowski DILATION_FIELD_THEORY.pdf
  5. Hello, At http://www.tp-theory.net/eng I describe field as an effect of time dilation in unified way for any interaction. What is amaising, it passes all general relativity tests and gives very accurate approximation of gamma rays flashes delay (I prove that light slows when increases its Energy). I am looking for passionate physicists, who could help me to finish the theory and write it down with tensor algebra. Regards Pogono
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