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Posts posted by weasel54849

  1. Ok I am looking for some answers; see the other day we had a scare with something that happened with my grandma who lives next door to me. My grandpa called me up and said there was something wrong with grandma and he had called 911. I ran over and when I arrived I saw my grandma slouched over in a chair sitting very still. Her eyes were closed but as I knelt down and put my hand on her arm she looked at me gave a slight smile and went back to her original state. When we asked her questions she had some ability to attempt to speak but it was very difficult to understand her, and she had some muscle movement but she was very weak. She was drooling slightly also. As the first responders got there she gave some acknowledgement that they were there, and they put her on oxygen. After a while we helped her to the couch were she laid down, a few minutes later she began to open her eyes and regained her ability to speak and gained back some of her strength. She spent the night in the hospital and came home the next day perfectly normal. At first we thought it may have been a mini stroke, but the doctors could find no evidence of anything wrong with her. This was the first time anything like this had happened to her. Doctors don’t have any idea what caused all this to happen, do any of you have a possible explanation? :confused:

  2. Hey people.


    I am planing on declaring a major in geology and I was just wondering if there are some geologists that can tell me what to expect, if geology is a good field, or just give me any advise. what schools did you go to, how did it go?

    what are you doing now? are there better areas in geology than others?


    anything you can give me would be helpfull.





  3. Ok I saw this on a video. On one of the Apollo flights there was a mysterious sound that was never explained. They played a clip of the sound and it sounded like a creepy screaming sound. On the clip astronauts were also commenting on it and trying to determine what it was. Oh BTW... the video was about UFOs and aliens.


    Is there any truth to this, and if so is it true that no explanation for the mystifying noise.


    I can't find any info on it.

  4. Hey RedAlert, I guess the style of writing looks the same as that post from hebrewboy, but I am not him. and if you think this topic is pointless you don't need to responed.


    thanks to every one else.

  5. Hello all! I am doing a report for school and I would like a few opinions on a touchy topic. here it goes.


    According to your beliefs:


    Where does morality come from?


    How do you determine what is right and wrong?


    Is there really such a thing as “right” and “wrong?”


    And why do you believe the way you do?


    I don’t want to start a big fight or anything, I just want some quick comments, and maybe some discution.



  6. Yeah I do not think that animals can think in the same way humans do either, but they do think somethings. Wouldn't it be cool to get inside a dogs head for about 5 minutes just to see what it is thinking.


    I tried to put this in the poll forum but it said I do not have a high enough ranking, It said I need to be an admin or something.


    I'm not sure and while I have not heard of such tests being conducted(or possible)' date=' thus far, I only had a few courses in Geology(not my main focus for the time being), but I'll look it up for ya.[/quote']



    Hey if you could look it up That would be great. It is just something that I am curios about. In the rock quarry I was digging in, there was what they called an ash layer about two inches thick. They told me originally it was probably about 15 feet thick. That must take an enormous amount of presser! Even a ruff estimate of the amount of presser would be fine.


    And thanks for the invite Phi, But I have debated quite a bit on debate forums on the topic of evolution.vs.creation. It take up too much of my time. To be honest evolutionists and creationists all have the same science and the same facts, how we interpret the facts is where we differ. The only thing I do not agree with is the evolutionists story of history and their assumptions. That is the difference, our view of history and our bias.


    But back to my rock question. Does any one else have anything to add to it?

  8. Thanks admiral.


    If you ever get the chance to go to Kemmerer Wyoming, go! It is so worth it. And you can bring home tons of fossils, Except for the rare ones.


    Is there any way to tell just how much presser the sediments were under? And I read the last link you gave me, Would I be right in assuming you are a creationist? If so that's cool, So am I.

  9. I was just in Kemmerer Wyoming digging fossils in the green river formation, I had a lot of fun, But I do have some questions.


    How is that rock formed? What I mean is, what makes it hard? Is it just because it was under so much presser, or was it some kind of chemical reaction?


    What is it that makes it split apart? Why aren't the layers cemented together like other places?


    And can you give me a recipe for making lime stone? I have tried mixing hydrated lime and water together and adding some presser, But it never gets very hard, it is kind of soft and crumbly. Do I just need more presser or what? Can you tell me how to make it harder without adding any unnatural material?


    And I would like details and maybe detailed web links. I hope some one can help.



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