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Posts posted by shadowfierce

  1. This is normally the point where you need to stop and think "it's too good to be true".


    If in doubt, Google services before you use them. Bad service always gets bad press.


    BTW, it says £4.50 per week on the front page; once in the service terms and again in a nice big blue thing in the top right corner. What made you think it was free?


    because i was told by a friend that it's free >< anyway when i registered, it didn't ask for my billing address or payment details that's why i thought that it was OK and plus, the website sent me a text message saying that i can now text for free and that's one thing i\m confused on coz the website states that you have to pay for it yet the text message states that it's free ><

  2. oh shit and double shit >____< my parents gonna kill me for this man. my frend gave me da site so i just registered and send txt messages from der and i never looked at da terms and conditions and stuff shit man i dont wanna have any uneccesary bills T_____T i can't stop it though. it says if u want to stop the service, then type 'STOP to 88844' but i did try and dey said that the number is invalid or somethin >< anyone know how to stop this service?


    der;s this other site as well. http://www.cbfsms.com and dat one looks free alright. damn im so stupid <<


    edit: u knw, txt party sent me a message on my phone when i registered it few days ago for my login password etc. and it says 'login to your password and start sending free texts'

    shit what shall i believe? free or pay ? <<

    2nd edit: i told my friend about this and she told me not to worry about it because they can't charge me because i didn't even put any bank details or any sort of payment so how can they charge me when they didn't even know my details?

  3. Hi guys!


    My friend showed me this really cool site where you can text people for free using the internet: http://www.txtparty.co.uk/


    i found it to be too good to be true. I have doubts whether if there might be a catch and hidden bills or something as they might charge my phone bill instead. And i don't want any uneccesary bill to post at my house so can you guys tell me whether if this site is safe or just a scam?

  4. hi guys!!

    thanks for all of your replies. well true, i don't think the question ask what technology does Malaysia created and how does that create a big impact on them rather i think the question just means how does technology and engineering in general make an impact on malaysia. well that's my interpretation of the question anyways.

    i'm thinking of starting my paragraph off as imagine Malaysia without technology, there would be no internet, computers etc and how Malaysia survived without it or something like that. Any more ideas? I really can't think of how to write my essay and what to put in it :confused: It;s 500 words maximum though so i don't have to write alot in my article

  5. Hello i'm sorry if i'm posting this at the wrong forum but i really need help with this particular competition and the deadline is on 31st of March T__T I posted in this forum before regarding my science competition last year and i have received a good feedback resulting me winning my 1st place to NASA in US so i'm really grateful. So now, i decide to join another competition (yeh i'm a very competitive freak -.-) and i hope you guys can help me in this one.


    The question of the compeition is:

    How is technology and engineering driving change in a country of your choice?


    Further information: http://www.independent.co.uk/student/the-independentbosch-technology-horizons-award-395604.html


    I haven't decide what country to do yet but i'm thinking of to write about my own country which is Malaysia but i really can't find any technology that they created to create a big impact in the world << So are there any suggestions on what country to write on and what shall i write about?

    I'm thinking to do Japan or China but then, alot of competitors must have chose the same two countries so i want mine to be quite unique ^^'



  6. Isn't this basically the same as your other thread?


    i know but i've been told by a member that i should ask in the biology section since some of the stuff i'll be doing is also about biology.


    @foodchain: sim earth?i heard of the sims, are they the same thing? o.o

  7. wait, i'm doing doing the real thing. i'm just doing some research and a 3d model of it to show what it looks like. i'm thinking of doing like 'eden project', have you heard of it? the domes are shaped like bee-hives and there's controlled temperature there and artificial rainforest and dessert

  8. grifter, i don't understand anything that you said !!! :confused: :confused: T__T i never knew that the teacher set up a very hard challenge and for a 15 year old as well <__< but i'm doing my best here. ok, first of all, i need to find a suitable planet. it can't be too col (like pluto but then pluto is not a planet) and no high gravity, i dont want to be squashed so is mars ok since it's just next to earth and it;s not that far from earth as well. so like in mars, we could attempt to recreate our environment inside protective domes and become part of a giant closed ecosystem.

  9. I'm entering this space challenge which is set up by my science department. The prize is a trip to kennedy space centre and yes if i win, i'll be going to america and hallelujah, i will be able to meet the astronauts and visit the admin area and watch rockets launch. it will be a brilliant oppurtunity for me which i can't miss.



    ok here's my challenge:

    - design an ecosphere to allow human life on another planet in the solar system. You cannot choose earth.

    - your entry should demonstrate internet based research and should be firmly based in ICT.

    - you need to consider the requirement for life and how you should use science to support human needs.



    ok as a starter, i have no idea what ecosphere is and it's kinda confusing to me. im thinking of doing a powerpoint presentation for this research but CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS CHALLENGE? *puppy eyes*


    can somebody explain to me about ecosphere? because i'm pretty confused here :confused:

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