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Posts posted by marjan

  1. I think she just wanted to say how sorry she was! anyway it's not a bad idea if you take your shopping bag to the fridge and take whatever you want and just put the money >:D (not $5 for AN EGG of course!!!:P )huh???!!!

  2. This reminds me when I was in the student accommodation, we used to share a fridge with lots of people and everyone had a shelf in the fridge. It was exams time and everyone was too busy to go shopping. One day when I was cooking I got to the fridge to grab an egg instead I found a $5 and an apology note : I’m so sorry for taking your egg, but I have 3 exams in a row and couldn’t go to the shops, and am starving.!!!

    I didn’t know who that was but anyway I would forgive her; it looked really funny and also I didn’t have any exam at that time, maybe if I had I would get angry.

    What would you think?

  3. I would pick maid! As my two men at home are so messy:-) : My 15months old son loves having all his toys on the floor and my BIGGER SON (my husband:-p ) has the same excuse as insane-alien for his messy room >:D (an elephant gets lost in his room). and I don't mind doing the rest.


  4. Sorry if my question sounds dumb:-( (I'm a chemist not biologist) and Just like to know when working with proteins what precaution should be considered?:confused: I know the general precaustion such as: keeping them in 4 degree and keeping things strile... just need to know more.

    Any reply welcome.

    Many thanks


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