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Posts posted by xXxAuroraxXx

  1. Ok, if I boil some rice with water, and take the ricey boiled water, and put it in, oh, say, a petri dish, and I put it (dish w/ rice water) in the refrigerator, will it make a gel??? I have heard it is a great substitute for agar. Also, some rice that i boiled, I left wet, and put it in the refrig to save, the next day, it seemed to be in a gel.



    Why not just try it?

  2. A few questions...what is the purpose of the gas inside of the bulb? Exactly what does it do? And why are certain gases used and certain gases not used? I can get nitrois oxide relatively easily :)



    Uhh, don't know if I spelt nitroisoxide correctly :)

  3. What made Humans, humans? Why are we evolved more than say, the Hippo, or a Wasp? What makes us different? Was it a change in our enviorment? Was it just random "mutations" that made us this way? Or maybe, the only thing that seperates us from every other animal is the ability to imagine? Imagination is the biggest thing seperating us from other animals. Well, maybe :). And if this is true, how did we develop this ability? Again, was it a random "mutation"?



    Again, I take a part out of Micheal Crichtons "The Lost World" :) (I reffer to this book a lot) :)



    "If you believe the current theory, then all the wonderful complexity of life is nothing but the accumulation of chance events- a bunch of genetic accidents strung together. Yet when we look closely at animals, it appears as if many elements must have evolved simultaneously. Take bats, which have echolocation- they navigate by sound. To do that, many things must evolve. Bats need specialized apparatus to make sounds, the need specialized ears to hear echoes, the need specialized brains to interpret the sounds, all these tings don't evllve cimultaneously, there's no advantage. And to image all these things happen happen purley by chance is like imagining that a tornado can hit a junkyard and assemble the parts into a working 747 airplane. It's very hard to believe."


    Now, I could have seperated the two subjects, what seperates us from other animals, and the evolution theory, but I didn't :). Just don't reply to one and forget the other one.


    Thanks :)


  4. That makes sense. Though, people only use 10% of their brain in there lifetime. I remember one time when this neo-nazi tried to convince me that the reason he hated black people was because they're brains weren't as developed as cacausions. But then I reminded him that even if their brains were half the size as ours they are still capable of using more of it then us.

  5. When I was 8 or 9 or so...I had night terrors, they started off pretty randomly and not very often. But eventually they started to get bad, no violent or anything, but frequent. So, I went to the doctors. Well, when I was in pre-school I was left handed. But, I went to a Catholic school. The crazy nuns made me write with my right hand. The doctors said that people that write with there left hand think with the right side of there brain and people that write with there right hand think with the left side of there brain.When they made me switch hands it messed up something, causing night terrors. I'm not sure if this is right, but maybe...it made me incredible intellegent. :) Heh. Has anyone ever heard of this before? Or anything like that? Please, id love some feedback, or is my doctor crazy?

  6. If it wasn't for things like air resistance, then the bullet would come down at the same speed that it was fired. Simple kinematics and parabolic paths can tell you this.


    Well does the strength of air resistance/wind/air pressure surpass the strength of the gun shooting the bullet? If anything it would come down the same speed, but most likely slower.


    Ehh, and I haven't studied Kinematics and I JUST started sudying parabolas. I'm a freshmen in highschool, give me a break :)

  7. Would the water even go down the hole? There must be enormous amounts of pressure inside the earth, would that keep the water out? If it were a big enough hole I guess it would drain in, then what? Get evaporated...put back into the water cycle? Maybe it would just fill in the whole and the ocean depth would lower by X feet. Thus destroying millon of creatures ecosystems, but creating millions of new ones for new creatures. Red Queen theory :)

  8. y = 8000(1 - .13)^5


    y = 8000(.87)^5


    y = 8000(.498)


    y = 3987.86


    Im not sure if "y" is the correct variable...


    If you wanted to see increase


    y = 8000(1 + .13)^5


    I think.

  9. 3 Guys walk into a hotel

    The person at the counter says it's 30$ for a room for all 3 of them

    The 3 guys pay 10$ each to split up the cost evenly

    Later on the night the manager knocks on there door and says he made a mistake and it was only 25$ for the room. He gives them back 5$

    Each of the guys take 1$ and give the remaining 2$ to the bell boy.


    So, each person payed 9$ total 9*3 = 27$ + the 2$ for the bell boy = 29$


    What happened to the remaining dollar?

  10. Yes that sounds perfectly correct, but mathematically your odds are supposed to improve if you change your mind. I shall post the maths later, but first I want to see if anyone can work it out. Supposedly, if you make a computer program that keeps changing its mind, you do actaully win more often. This completely confuses me.



    Then how would Vegas ever get money? Gamblers Ruin...if you play enough you will lose.

  11. Sphere, oh man. Absolutely incredible. I've read it several times. I love that book. I;ve read most of his books...Airframe, Jurassic Park, The Lost World, Timeline, Prey, Sphere, Congo, Eaters of the dead, Andromeda Strain...maybe more...heh. He's a good writer, I think.


    If you throw a Donnie Darko twist into Sphere, just think about it...wow. Deciding to forget about it = Sending the artifact back to it's original universe thus saving the world. Heh.

  12. Thorne shrugged, "They're still just fantasies, They're not real. Have you ever seen a self-esteem? Can you bring me one on a plate? How about a photon? Can you bring me one of those?"

    Kelly shook her head. "No, but. . ."

    "And you never will, because those things don't exist. No matter how seriously people take them," Thorne said. "A hundred years from now people will look back at us and laugh. They'll say, 'You know what people used to belive? They belived in photons and electrons. Can you imagine anything so silly?' They'll have a good laugh, because by then there will be newer and better fantasies." Thorne shook his head. "And meanwhile, you feel the way the boat moves? That's the sea. That's real. You smell the salt in the air? You feel the sunlight on your skin? That's all real. You see all of us together? That's real. Life is wonderful. It's a gift to be alive, to see the sun and breathe the air. And there isn't really anything else."




    That's a little exerpt from Micheal Crichton's "The Lost World" I though I would share it with people. Get some feedback. I found it compelling and interesting. I've gotten into a debate with one of my friends and they say that they base there life on depending on things like Self-Esteem and faith. But I say you should base your life on something solid and real, not belifes, because if they're not real...then they are going to dissapoint you. That's what I got out of it. Hope you enjoy it.

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