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    gigs, gaming, learning about chemistry and performing experiments etc
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    completely new to chemistry but eigar to learn anything and anything i can
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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. very funny. I assume your refering to my grammer and response to that i'd just like to mention that its pretty difficult mastering the english language when you have cerebral paulsy, look that up. but here i am bad grammer or not
  2. i agree, although im already horribly biased on this one i must admit, i prefere to rely on tryed and tested logic rather then blind faith to solve problems in life, especially those relating to illness, since i havn't read the full report it just seems like more of a comfort thing (preying) rather then a real difference maker in relation to health
  3. clearly the is a done and dusted subject. to summerise, it is possible that some people may have reacted well to using aprecot seeds to treat cancer, although since there has been relativaly small amounts of sourcing of reliable information regarding its posative effects (and by reliable i mean studys conducted by well respected and trusted medical establishments) it is quite safe to say that it is far more reasonoble to conclude that aprecots have pretty much no effect on cancer. but by all means try them if you are suffering from cancer as they are extremely cheap and if anything the placebo effect might just help, thats the only use for them i can think of. in my opinion a detox diet with minimal saturated fat, lots of organic veg and fruit is the only natural thing that comes close to helping cancer patiants. now i'm certain of that as their is no such thing as certainty in life but i do know that the cancerous area on my farthers postate reduced in size considerably more when he paired a detox diet with chemo theropy as opposed to chemo theropy alone. PS im sorry if somone who is far more knowlageable about this then i am disagrees with me and has meraculous proof that vit B17 does cure cancer but as far as this discussion goes i think its increasingly clear that its just another roose
  4. intrestingly enough while i was looking for reminants of my gcse chem course notes i found my old text book so i think ill start with that. thanks for the advice
  5. hi, im completely new to science (except for my gcse's two years ago) but i've began to get interested in chemestry and was considering taking it at A level as i have an extra two years before i head off to uni. of course the problem with this is i dont know were to start as i dont know any begginers books covering chemestry and eventually organic chemestry, and i would be much more comfortable entring a corse with basic knowlage of the concepts of chemestry and possibly some experiance of experiments (of course done at home), any ideas for books i should read? oh and the more of them the better as i learn well through reading
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