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  1. Raw apricot seeds (Kernels" also contain a high percentage of Cyanates (cyanide toxins) have you considered that maybe THAT is why they won`t sell them, because you`ll end up with folk taking lethal doses (5 or more can kill you!), thinking "The more the better or faster"? I eat 5-10 apricot seeds a day. No negative effect. People (including some on this list) get the seeds confused with bitter almonds, which are very toxic. Bitter almonds are, actually, an entirely different thing. Google bitter almonds. They grow as and are a type of almond. The only case I could find from someone who died from eating seeds is a rumor of a guy who ate a whole cup of apple seeds and died. Can't trace it though. Not everybody in the cemetaries took apricot pits. I've done chemo, surgery and radiation--several times. I know lots of people who have. Many of them died. I --so far--only know live people who did laetrile. Can't afford to go to Mexico, so I'm taking the apricot pits and working with a naturopath on my diet.
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