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Everything posted by ChrisLife

  1. Thanks for the reply's, all help is appreciated! Well, i do know the creature exists in fact there are two which are said to secrete the same chemical. As for the chemical, well i don't even know if it is a chemical but to my best knowledge and some research it seems to be the work of a chemical secreted by this organism. I might have access to a lab, although i don't know all the equipment they have(although i know some of it worked there for 3 years), i have a decent biology and chemistry background, nothing that could probably help me but , i'm motivated. Some of this can be done at home while the chemical part in the lab. I want a little help with a breakdown of the experiment step by step of how i should go about it. I already have a rough idea in my head but its only an idea, lol. I know the biggest problem is isolating the chemical and finding out what it is, but i might get lucky and it might only secrete a few chemicals, couldn't i sent a chemical to a lab for analysis, it might already exist? I have an idea to help it secrete the chemical i want, the chemical is said to be secreted due to the immune system of the host. I feel life you guys may be making this a little more complicated then it is, but maybe your right, i don't know it's an experiment after all, can never know until you try it. Thanks Chris
  2. I've been debating doing a personal experiment for a while now and today decided I'm going to try it even though it might be to difficult to do, or even impossible. I want to keep the Details a secret because well, i don't want to be robbed of my idea. I know it sounds funny, but it has happened to me in the past. Experiment: I have an organism, which can live in mammals(humans included), like a hook worm. It can not reproduce inside the body but only through the stool, but what i'm testing is for a chemical it secretes. The worm secretes this chemical that i believe has beneficial aspects to humans but i need to first somehow grow this worm inside a controlled environment and be able to collect all the chemicals it secretes all while keeping it alive. I would also like help on identifying the chemicals it secretes. If someone could guide me that would be great, as you can see i don't have a background in biology or chemistry, but i was in a biology major for quite a few years, so i have some knowledge. Was thinking along the lines of growing the hook worm in a a controlled environment that mimics a human intestine, which is where i believe they live, and then testing for chemicals, this is were i go blank because i don't know how to test for random unknown chemicals, and even identify them. Going to do some more research right now, but any one that can help me out in anyway would be greatly appreciated! Once this experiment is done i will of coarse test it on humans, myself, which will be the easier part. If i can get enough help i will start a thread with the experiment with daily updates on the whole experiment, and my findings. Thanks Chris
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