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Posts posted by satrohraj

  1. I just read an article (Thanks bascule for posting the link: http://www.discover.com/issues/mar-06/cover/) that basically tells of the discovery of a new form of bacteria and describes our current understanding of the role bacteria play in the tree of life. The article even suggests that bacteria most likely played a key role in the creation of the eukaryotic cell, which all multicelular organisms are descendants of. I’m a computer programmer by day, and what I found really interesting is that computer viruses and biological seem to play a very similar roll in thier environments. They both need a host to survive, they replicate, they have a genetic/binary code, they adapt, they respond to stimuli (and in a sense, computer viruses even metabolize using electricity). This got me thinking about the current state of computer technology and how many similarities it has with our theorized view of what early life may have looked like on this planet.


    Computer programs are becoming extremely complex and some are arguably more complex (I’m taking on a genetic level if you compare the machine code of a program to the DNA/RNA structure of some viruses) then even some viruses. Could the computer programs we are creating be a precursor to a new form or life not based on DNA/RNA? Based on the most widely excepted definition of DNA/RNA based life, something must have organization, metabolism, growth, adaptation, response to stimuli, and reproduction to be considered “alive”. I can argue that computer programs can exhibit all of these characteristics.


    Question: Could it be possible that humans could someday create a new form of life which exists in an electronic universe of our own making?


    May be in near future..

  2. Actually Honey contains no sugar (may be a little, i am not sure)

    It is a sweet liquid made in the crop (a temporary stomach like structure) using nectar as a raw material.

    The nectar is mixed with saliva of honey bee in the 'crop'. aeowww!;)

    But its nutritious.


    So finally. The nectar goes inside the mouth. And later after sometime Honey comes out through the mouth itself

    And there is not sugar in it.

  3. I like them, But they hit me accidentally on the back of my neck, in its flight, when i was walking back home..I was 10..

    It was like someone hit me with a small stone

    Actually they dont run into anything like that, you know they can track position, size, etc of the object with some infrasonic sounds which human ear cannot hear...You might be knowing it right?


    Now I am 17, and I am a biology student, I should be interested in them, even if i do not want to

    But I like them..their wings are awesome, and their sleeping style too..lol

  4. Yeah, Its pretty fast


    If you want it faster try diluting the water (that reduces particulate matter in the solution, thereby increasing the absorptivity)


    Or You can just Use a Red Ink/Black Ink/Any coloured ink

    I mean do not make a dye, use ready made dyes/inks

  5. Actually they are not the components of rain, They get mixed up with rain water


    Nitric acid id formed when NO2 reacts with water in the presence of lightning

    Similarly SO2 and CO2 react with water to give their respective acids


    Damage from each acid is different, you better check them out at wikipedia

  6. ...I Shall check this out and say!....


    The Process is called Omosis. Read it contains all things

    The liquid moves from higher conc to lower conc



    The difference is plants develop a cell wall, which animals do not

  7. hey Jdurg, you seem to be a chemistry expert, I may need you sometimes

    can you give me your email address,


    if you wish to give e-mail me XXXsatrohraj at gmail dot comXXX from your e-mail address!

    I promise to keep it private


    Thank you


    EDIT by woelen: Please don't put email addresses in messages over here. John already told, but you will receive lots of spam if you do so. I changed the message.

  8. I got it, suppose if there is no other possible oxidation state for it, how should we name it?, ous / ic


    Let me guess, it should be called -ous acid, right?, because there is no higher oxidation state..


    Am I right?

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