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Everything posted by Roni

  1. Thanks!!! OK will start experimenting. sounds like I better have fire dept on standby. LOL!! I appreciate your input very much.
  2. ok kind of strange situation but I'm using them with wax in a fire to get them to burn a color. basically, I want to make colored pine cone fire starters. I did see a purple flame but no for long and like I said it took a long time and heat to activate it. can you think of another chemical that would burn a purple flame / low temp/ low hazard/ with a wax coat to accelerate when in fire? Obviously I"m not a chemist or anything close. So I REALLY appreciate your patience and knowledge. Thanks!! Sharon
  3. Can anyone help me with the following: What chemical will burn a purple flame? I know potassium chloride and potassium nitrate do, however their burning point is (nitrate 631 F and chloride 1400 F). Nitrate is a hazard 1 and chloride is a hazard 2. Can someone help me find a potassium product or any other chemical that burns purple at a lower heat index and is a hazard 1?? Thank you so much for your time. Roni
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