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About hazirah

  • Birthday 08/04/1988

Profile Information

  • Location
  • College Major/Degree
    Biomedical Science at Temasek polytechnic
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Solar system and major discovery on science
  • Biography
    I am very active in sports and of course i am a very curious creature when it comes to science


  • Lepton

hazirah's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. hazirah

    Human Clonings

    So is Cloning just something that genius work on or just plain mad scientists at experiment??? Cloning seems to be MISSING IN ACTION NOWADAYS...
  2. hazirah

    Human Clonings

    I would like to know who invented cloning?Who started it and when? I cant seem to find a clear cut answer...maybe there is no clear cut answer? Well to me god was the first one to invent a clone...that is twins of course.Who was the first human twins to live on earth anyway:confused:
  3. hazirah

    Human Clonings

    So the question is why bother cloning? I wonder if the benefits of cloning does really "benefits.'' Or are they just listing the benefits to cover up their multiple unsuccessful cloning...
  4. hazirah

    Human Clonings

    yup perhaps acting god is the correct terms to use...So what are the future plans for human cloning??? Any idea anyone???
  5. hazirah

    Human Clonings

    Based on impact, human clonings had cause alot of controversy to the community.Is it logical to stop the scientists from continuing with their "human cloning" research despite the fact that some of the respondses on human clonings are not encouraging? Will human cloning ever be successful in the near future or will it be just scientists playing god to create something outstanding?
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