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Everything posted by Robbo!@#$%^&

  1. MY theory of everything: Such prooven theories such as general relitivety and string theory BOTH have very valid points, and are most likely quite true. However, although there is no way to proove it, My own theory is that life itself may have existed BEFORE the big bang. It is my opinion (completely unvalidated) that beofre OUR universe (as we know it) expanded, it may have existed in an entirerly differnt state, governed by an entirerly different set of rules and universal laws. It is a posibilty that life may have then existed in this state, in another form from what we know it. However the point of this article is not whether or not life existed beofre the big bang, but whether anything did. As we know it, matter cannot be destroied, we cannot void matter. Thus it must then have existed beofre the big bang. As we have learned, our universe expanded, and the result of that expansion is the universe we know today, filled with a common set of atoms and particles, which have stabalised themselves over many years. Is it not then unreasonable to say that there is a chance that before the big bang occoured, a much smaller universe existed in which a completely different set of atoms and particles had stabalised themselves in such a way. Therefore, i predict upon this theory that; when the universe grows too cold, and too 'old' , that this process could very well happen again, and our universe will expand again, to the point where more and diffent atoms and particles are created. Who are we to asume that our universe will simply grow colder as it expands? Quantum theory breaks down as we get closer to the big bang. Could this be some evidence of my theory? As the universe grew larger, and into what we know it as today, quantum mechanics became what governs our universe, perhaps on a molecular level at least. String theory poses an explination for this, although it is a very complicate dtheory, whereas my theory poses a simple solution to both problems and unifies both theories as being correct. although certin comprimises are made for this to be the case. Of corse, i have no way of testing my theory, prooving it, i am not a qualified scientist, in any form. But neither was einstien i may remind you. Not when he published G.R. In any case i need some help identifying problems and would like to know more about this theory, whether anyone else has thought of it, and why (because im sure i will be ) im entierly wrong. Thankyou. PAUL J. ROBERTS. PS: i know i havnt gone into much detail, and i know this is really a theory of everything
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