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About Sigthror

  • Birthday 04/23/1989

Profile Information

  • Location
    Virginia Beach.
  • Interests
    Science, books, music, computers.
  • College Major/Degree
    Biochemistry and Computer Science.
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Molecular Biology and Computer Science.
  • Occupation
    Student/Network Technician.


  • Quark

Sigthror's Achievements


Quark (2/13)



  1. Google? Library? Tons of free information out there.
  2. I thought it had something to do with NADH and the synthesization of ATP during the electron transport system... Or am I thinking of something else
  3. Hi, I am currently a freshman in college, and for now my track is to major in Biochemistry and minor in Computer Science. Specifically my interests have always revolved around proteins and genomics, and I'm also interested in programming. Lately upon doing a lot of reading and research, I have become very interested in the Bioinformatics field. All through high school I loved chemistry and always told myself I would major in Biochemistry, but now I'm wondering if I should do that. I don't really want to take a bunch of chemistry courses if it isn't necessary for what I want to get into. My interests stand at a perfectly even balance between biochemistry, molecular biology, and computer science. From what I've read on Bioinformatics you don't have to be an expert at all areas since there are many fields within that field, just specialized in one and familiar with the rest. However, I am unsure of what the best stategy is here. Suggestions? Comments?
  4. Hah, that's an interesting point CaptainPanic.
  6. I have personally always found proteomics extremely interesting, but that's just me.
  7. I believe there was a Scientific American article discussing the technical differences between Blu ray and HD. I think it was the July 07 issue?
  8. "The Selfish Gene"- Richard Dawkins "Cosmos"- Carl Sagan "The Ascent of Man"- Jacob Bronowski "The Beak of the Finch"- Jonathan Weiner "The Dragons of Eden"- Carl Sagan And yes, I agree with the above comments. Richard Feynman is incredible!
  9. I am very much intrigued by politics, western philosophy, and ancient history, but I can't really see myself getting degrees for them.
  10. Hi everybody. I have to write a 5-7 research/cause and effect paper on any topic, and I would like to pick something related to Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Bioethics, etc that is not about abortion, stem cell research, or any of the widespread current debates that never seem to end. Anybody have any good ideas?
  11. Basic math calculations and algebra are what set the foundation of chemistry. As ecoli said, if you go into quantum or theoretical chemistry or any field that entwines with physics, calculus will definitely be useful.
  12. I concur. I think both areas overlap greatly, but biochemistry more specifically studies just the chemical reactions within living organisms while molecular biology will actually apply those reactions to show how proteins and genes are regulated/created and such.
  13. Yes, a good friend of mine has his BS in computer science and is referred to as a software engineer. This is mere speculation since I am not entirely familiar with the field, but I would say that computer science is an extremely broad and general field containing every aspect of software developing, testing, analyzing, network administrating, and so forth, while software engineering would be one specific area, targeting software development, systems, design, etc. If you would like to know more specifically about Software Engineering just let me know and I could ask my friend about it.
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