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Everything posted by Dogmaf

  1. Im really sorry I got you guys into this,its just Ive been looking for gravity 8 Years and this is the only thing I can think of.I might as well give up for now.Maybe someone else will understand me.Ill just let you guys figure it out.
  2. Ok now I see what your saying!So what about Spin angular momentum,or Spin quantum number,and Spin magnetic quantum number.The particals dont really spin?But If you were going to wrap up all the dimensions(how ever many there are)I would have to assume a partical Somewhere inside the Protons and Neutrons that have the ability to spin in a way to wrap the dimensions up into a ball. I perfomed a small experiment just to see if I was right.I took a peice of strechy material like nylon or something,and drew a square along the edges of the material.I then took the eraser of a pencil and put it right in the middle and started to twist it.The square started to bend inward in the same shape as if there was a dent in space.But space is not a 2D fabric.So if I were to twist the eraser in a certain way I could create a 3D dented sphere in space,gravity.
  3. Ok look,The rings do not represent electrons.Have you ever seen those rides at fairs that people get into,they consist of 3 rings that spin on eachothers axis,and it spins them around?Well imagine if there was a ball inside the center of all the rings.If the ball's rotation was affected by the motion of the rings,what would it look like? Even the symbol for the forum has 3 rings.
  4. I thought a picture might be worth a thousand words.
  5. Well you see the quarks kinda act like batteries.They suck up a whole lot of energy and heat and light,and causes them to spin.They spin in a 3D way(kinda like the 3 rings that spin on eachother)this will wrap up all the dimensions and cause a dent in space kinda like einstein showed. How many numbers are here?:100101
  6. The reason a mass spectrometer wouldnt work is because we use that same technique in TVs
  7. Im just here to warn you that if you stop gravity.We all go up in a blaze of glory.
  8. But Im sure you also know that a moving electron causes a magnetic feild that you are measureing with your mass spectrometer
  9. So its radius will determine its mass......How is that.Because its grows means its gravitational feild is getting stronger and bigger?So why would I have to charge the electron if I could have just used gravity to keep them together..ha
  10. So how is it that you find the mass of an electron with out its charge interfering? I could never figure out how you guys found the mass of an electron.
  11. So what is Gravity? If mass gives you gravity and Gravity gives you mass,then mabye there is no mass;just gravity. After a long day at work, I came home to do some dishes. After I was done I let the water down the drain.In a tired daze I watched as the water went down the drain in a tornado like whirlpool.Then all of a sudden I looked at the image of the drain behind the whirlpool,and discovered that gravity was staring right at my face.Gravity was something that spins! My first thought was that there was a spinning partical that acts for gravity,but that was too simple. So first I found these Protons,and then I found these Neutrons.I put them together with gravity.The more I put together,the bigger the gravity feild got.Then I realized that to many of them would cause way to much gravity,so I had to seperate them into smaller fragments.So I called around and found this guy named electron,he said he could shield the small fragments from eachother,but the problem was that he said he was not effected by gravity.So I thought and thought and finally found a solution to the problem.Ill give the proton a positive charge and the electron a negitive charge,this way they will stay together!I called it an Atom! I put the atoms together so the gravity of the nuculeses would pull on eachother and the electrons would repel them in a perfect balance.It was perfet!But now I needed a energy source to get everything into motion. I found these things called quarks,there really cool!They suck up a whole lot of heat energy and light,and then they start to spin,creating a gravitational force.So I stuck 3 inside the protons and Neutrons.
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