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  1. Yes I agree with Tesla the Electron Emperor, although you guys may be right about the Mercury not being able to be superconductive at that sustained temperature & some weird magnetic vortex field being formed, but maybe the original author didn't completely understand all of the actual workings of what was going on inside the supposedly TR 3B craft developed under the Aurora project. As many people who claim to work in secret government facilities say they don't get to work on all parts of a covert project/craft. Just separately & in pieces possibly as a security precaution that is obviously working as seen here. Maybe the author didn't have a firm grasp of all the physics involved & only speculated of only a piece of a puzzle that he saw & assumed was right. Although the piece the author publishes seems to be partially untrue, henceforth, he looses his credibility. However, there is a part to his claim that does raises questions much like the the BBC's "The Tomorrow's World" show or the spinning Frisbee analogy made. Although the author not completely true, does this not at least peak some of your curiosity of future possibilities for technological advancement? 50 years ago, there's no way people would imagine some of the technology we take granted for everyday. Robert Forwards Anti-gravity guidelines can be found here for those who are to lazy to look it up themselves. Robert Foward PDF I also agree with Tesla the Electron Emperor on the point that it would be interesting to analyze or to discover technology that would be powerful enough to react with the earth's natural magnetic forces in such a strong way to propel it so dramatically. Or maybe instead of propelling the object perhaps it just manipulated & bent the light around it after the bright flash. That is not so far fetch as companies for the US military have recently been developing light bending technology as seen in camouflage uniforms talked about here: Camouflage http://www.desertdeu...m/MultiCam.html & also it would be cool if someone here could find a clip of that BBC show, otherwise we have nothing to go on. John can you find a clip for us to look at? guide to antigravity.pdf
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