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Posts posted by wekaweka

  1. I wonder whether it might be possible (in the near future)to genetic engineer a nettle plant to inject chemicals into our skins that make us feel good or do us good, rather than cause us pain.


    hell yeah, that would be an interesting way to get high!


    "hey man, wanna go outside and roll around in the nettles for a bit?"

  2. The European Union only cares about its own farmers (and their votes). If Africa adopted GMO technology on a large scale, the world market would soon be flooded with food that's economically much more competitive than that produced within Europe. So they continue making a scare of GMO food in the name of public health, when all they're doing is just economic protectionism.

  3. Glutamate is constructed from glucose... it does have an amine group, but the name is still glutamate.


    well, pretty much any biological molecule is constructed from glucose...


    to clear up the confusion:

    1) yes, glutamate is the same as MSG. your tongue has receptors for it too, which will potentiate other taste perceptions when stimulated.

    2) glutamine is glutamate with an extra amido (not ammonium) group. an important molecule but the neurotransmitter is glutamate.


    my all-time favourite is orexin, a neuropeptide that integrates arousal and alertness with motivation and reward. it was discovered only 7 years ago and it's amazing in how many things it has become involved since.


    lacking that as an option, I chose dopamine, which is also a good thing to have a lot of.

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