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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Physics, Astronomy, Cosmology

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. 1. Underlying all of modern cosmological theory (The Standard Model) is the assumption that the observed cosmos is part of a singular coherent entity, the Universe. There is no scientific basis for this belief; it is merely an archaic cultural artifact. 2. It is a further assumption of modern cosmology that the observed cosmological redshift of light from distant galaxies is a consequence of the expansion of the assumed 'Universe'. This further assumption is also unsupported by any empirical evidence. 3. Combining these two scientifically baseless assumptions cosmologists reason backwards to an origin point for the entire 'Universe' at a singularity some 13 billion years ago. A singularity is a physically absurd mathematical concept - an object of zero volume and infinite density. This unsatisfactory result is dismissed as a consequence of our incomplete understanding of physics in extremis rather than a failure of the model. 4. The Standard Model required the ad hoc addition of an extra event, Inflation, for it to properly produce a distribution of matter that conforms with observation. 5. The Standard Model, in order to conform to observations now posits the existence of unobserved matter and unobserved energy, both of an unknown nature. This invisible (dark) matter and energy are said to comprise more than 90% of the 'Universe'. 6. The Standard Model is simplistic, illogical, absurd, unscientific and a failure. 7. A truly modern cosmology will start with the cosmos we observe but without the 'Universe' we only imagine.
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