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Posts posted by Addicted2ColdTurkey

  1. I did some research on this project, and it does not seem that there is a program that can actively receive sound and then find the inverse of that wave and play it out. On a level of 1 to 10 how difficult would a project like this be programming wise? In theory it seems pretty easy.

  2. Hello I am Addicted2ColdTurkey (now i get it!) i very much enjoy science of all kinds, it brings me much comfort. I hope to one day be a biomedical engineer, and if im lucky create a vast unstoppable army of cyborgs that obey my every command. But for now i will continue to focus on completing high school, and looking good doing it.

  3. I would think it would some how be related to the y chromosome it being the main difference between male and female genes but that doesn't seem to make sense, and that difference is awfully high to just be a coincidence. But if i had to take a guess i would say something y chromosome related.


    p.s. i believe down syndrome is caused by chromosome 21 trisomy

  4. I always wondered if any species could reproduce to make awesomely superior animals but sadly different species cannot reproduce and those that can i.e. the lions and tigers thing that Greippi mentioned, cannot reproduce offspring that can also reproduce. Resulting in all ligers being completely sterile

  5. As fantastic as that would be it would probably result in much more work than just using capictors. Because as you probably already know in a coil gun the voltage creates a magnteic field at certain points within the coil pulling the projectile forward. The problem i see with using a car ignition is you would need to create a circuit to divert energy into other parts of the coil and then time it to pull the projectile forward. Also i dunno about you but for me they are harder to come by.

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