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Alvin ng

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Everything posted by Alvin ng

  1. Hey, thx for the little update.So what if the virus realy does mutates and is able to pass from human to human.Do we have a plan to overcome this deadly virus? I quoted this from one of the forums "OUR own government is preparing for it and trying to get the point across to start preparing --NOW. Most information says to stock up for a minimum of 3 months on food and water and other necessities you will need.BUT stock for 6 months if possible.That right there should tell you that alot isn't being said about the Avain Influenza. At the very least,not everything we need to know"
  2. Anyone have an update on this flu thing?
  3. Is Flu Pandemic being controlled now? if not how serious is it and does it pose a serious threat to we human man kind?
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