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Lepton (1/13)



  1. xus

    adrenalin by pain

    hallo i am a boy from denmark and me and one of my friends had an argue here is what we argued about: do adrenalin get relesed by pain if a girls hair gets stuck in a door will there be adrenalin relesed?
  2. as Einstein discoverd the speed of light is relative so if you are flying with the speed of light holding a mirror in front of you you would see your face
  3. maybie you need oxygen so there is something to absorbe i cant remember
  4. if the plastick is enviromental fx. made of portatos it can melt i have tryed it on my own it is a lot of mess to clean up
  5. xus


    hallo we have in scool had a projekt about energy i choose sunlight (fusion had allredy been taken) i find out solar cells was mede to collekt light from one coller more efficiently than other. So here is my question: can a solar cell colekt UV. or IR light and i that case could you meke then nerly transperrent? sorry i wrote this in the wrong forum you may answer the question i have allredy written the projeckt/report
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