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Everything posted by BubbaGump04

  1. Has anyone else signed the petition yet?
  2. I know, can you believe it? I hope you sign the petition.
  3. I started a petition against the Godsend Institute. Please sign it so we can put an end to this cloning madness.... http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/Godsendinstitute
  4. Hey, remember how I mentioned the movie Godsend at the beginning of this thread? Well, check out this site I randomly found when looking up stuff on genetics: http://www.godsendinstitute.org/ I wonder if the movie is based on this or what. I called the number provided but just got their voicemail. It's a pretty crazy site.
  5. I agree that cloning should not be used for personal use, like in the upcoming Godsend where the couple clone their dead son because they want him back but they don't consider the consequences. It makes perfect sense that a parent would want their child back, but what this couple does not understand is that their cloned son will look the same, but be completely different in every other way.
  6. I think in the movie, the couple does have their dead son cloned, but he is not the same at all. Totally different person.
  7. I agree. I don't think it is the same person. Maybe physically, but it can't go beyond that. Does anyone disagree?
  8. What do you think of cloning? I have really been thinking about this since I read the synopsis to the new movie Godsend that is coming out with Robert DeNiro. A major part of the movie has to do with cloning a couple's child who is killed by a car and bringing him back. Any thoughts?? Moral, ethical or otherwise?
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