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  • College Major/Degree
    University Malaya
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Chemistry and Biology
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Quark (2/13)



  1. What I believe is, most of the time, there will always be a reaction. The thing is that the side effect might not be noticeable in some way or another. For instance, a medicine might cause something we might not aware of at all or the reaction might not be significant.
  2. If that is the case, then where are the values of having a family? When talking about this topic on abolishing monogamy, first thing that came to my mind would be jealousy. Okay, imagine this scenario, if you can have any partner that you want, someone else whom you love deserve the same right to have anybody he/she wants. Maybe kind of confusing but what are we trying to achieve anyway? Does sex means everything? Or is the bond and love feeling towards each other is more important?
  3. Personally I've nothing against consumption of alcohol as long as we do not abuse the intake and consume too much. Scientifically consuming in moderate amount has been known to help towards our health but the damaging effect actually comes from those people who drink in uncontrolled manner and make it a habit.
  4. As far I know, both chemical engineering and lab analytical field should be interesting. Apart from having vast career opportunities, there are different industries in high demand of this profession. If you are into long term career with high paying job, engineers and analytical chemical in the petroleum industry is by far the best and most profitable. Just my 2 cents.
  5. Nowadays in our modern world, despite advancement in technology, it's not our concern on the medical knowledge that we have. It is the environment that we live in that is becoming worse. The air becoming polluted, our food being tampered with different chemicals up to the daily accessories that we use like plastics, having the resin and dust accidentally consumed in. The worst fear I think is cancer and I think in years to come, it will be rare that human actually survive that long to die of old age.
  6. After discussing with my family members and based on feedback that I have from friends, I think it is best that I seek medical advice. It's not really cheap here for a mere 15 minutes consultation fee. And thanks also to John. Cheers
  7. I guess I'm one of those people. These days I notice that my sense of smell wasn't as strong as it was in the past. I could not no longer detect heavy odor and it came to my surprise that on one particular day, I couldn't even detect the cooking gas leakage until my sister highlighted to me. I guess not only is this bad but it might be dangerous in the long run. At the moment, I'm not going to seek medical advice as my worst fear is having to undergo operation. If anybody has any clue or advice, I would appreciate it. So far, my search in the internet did not really offer any lead. What I need maybe is herbal treatment or cure. thanks in advance guys.
  8. I don't know how people would actually believe in this. Although there are many supporting facts that point to the health benefit, I still don't really agree. Urine is something that we excrete out and contains mostly the by products. In other words there are also toxin. So how can we claim that this will be something healthy if we consume it?
  9. Sometimes education does not guarantee a high end well paying jobs. Whether you are going for MBA or PhD, the most important aspect is learning to deal with life situation and apply for knowledge in order to gain experience. I had a tough time when I first graduated but I was lucky that everything was fine until today.
  10. Somehow it got me thinking on how they can actually arrange and come up with the table. With the information that we have at that time, it's not easy getting all the clues and information together.
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