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  1. thank you for your reply i saw videos mentioning ammonium nitrate with potassium hydroxide or potassium chloride but then what is the easiest way to make KNO3 in a lab keep in mind the only source of NO3 i have is HNO3 conc i tried to add KOH in an aqua state to the acid but it was a really rough reaction and i could not continue thanks again for your reply
  2. i am doing some studies and i would like to know how to make KNO3 from nature i was told it could be made from amounia nitric and KOH or KCL but where can i find amounia nitric
  3. ok now i really need some help here you see im in egypt and i found easily sulphur ,of course coal and potassium hydoxide but what i cant get my hands on is any thing containing nitrogen it is all banned but i do have HNO3 but i almost killed my self and i made a huge mess adding KOH aq of course to the HNO3 is the any way for me to get kno3 i have looked for cooler packs containing ammounium nitrate they are al gel and fertilizers here i dont know whats inside of them and they are too expensive for me to just buy it whats the easiest way and fastest way to get KNO3 without costing an arm and a leg there are plenty of horses cows and donkeys around how long would it take for that bactiera to kick in
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