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Everything posted by Benjamin8998

  1. Hi folks I was wondering if some one could share with me the formula of finding pressure to change state of gas at a specific temperature. So if I want liquid Oxygen at room temperature 25'C, how much pressure would I need to apply on it to convert it from gas form to liquid??? Or any other gas for that matter. Thanks for your input.
  2. I am wondering if increasing the pressure on water would have any effect on the amount of heat required to increase temperature of water by say 1'C. So Q(heat added) = C(specific heat) * m(molar mass) * t( change in temperature) [Can read more here: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/thermo/spht.html] In the above mentioned equation, would you know what changes if one increases/decreases pressure on the system? My thinking is, since at low pressure molecules will have more intermolecular space to move it would be easier for them to absorb heat and move rapidly and under high pressure molecules will be close to each other thus more heat will be required to increase temperature. What do you guys think? Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Thanks
  3. How do you propose one should do that without using more energy. Is there a way by which we could achieve Electrolysis without much help from heat? Thanks
  4. Hi I learned about various advanced technology available for electrolysis of tap water. I was wondering if someone knows of a system that helps achieve electrolysis at high altitudes where temperature of water is close to 0'C . I know that a usual system would perform poorly due to Arrhenius principle. But I was wondering if someone knows of something otherwise? Best, Ben
  5. its okay you do not have send your answer in mail to wherever I am, you could just reply on this forum for everybody else to see! BTW: i know where r u from !
  6. Could you guide me to one of those super secret catalysts system. They probably have those patented, I would like to read more about them and and their power/energy consumption. thank you very much for your input. Ben
  7. I want to know how much power(kh-hr?) would I need to convert 1 liter of water to oxygen and hydrogen. Also I know that adding salt helps speed up the process, does anyone know what concentration leads to highest production level of gases. And if salt has any effect on amount power being used for 1 liter of water' electrolysis. Thanks guys look forward to interesting replies. Ben
  8. Hi Newbies_Kid, thanks for your reply. I understand that its not possible to have gas at that high pressures and low temperature, but I just wanted know if we do find gas at there what would be the best way to bring it up 1) a hollow pipe or 2) on filled with some liquid like water ? Look forward to your reply. Ben
  9. Absolutely, the reason why I am asking this problem has less to do if we can find methane in gas form, but its more of if one finds a gas that far down in ocean what would be the best way to bring it upto ground level. I just took example of methane gas as I thought it would make the problem more realistic. My query is simple: the pressure difference on the pipe between ground level and 27000ft is a big number, can one rely on just this pressure difference for the gas(any gas) to go to ground level by itself? or would one have to use suction equipments. If we can rely on pressure difference for gas movement what are some possible ways to predict the volumetric speed of gas at the end of the pipe above the ocean. I will keep my future questions on one page in the future. Thank you all for your for your valuable time and wisdom. I look forward to hearing from you. Best,
  10. But would you all agree that the high pressure on the pipe due to water above and surrounding will add to the gas movement towards the surface. And that pressure would help any gas for that matter to move up from high pressure zone to low pressure zone ? What could be some theory/equations I could use to calculate rate of change of volume and velocity with which a gas would travel from high pressure zone 30000ft below to 1atm pressure at ground level. Thank you all for your contribution. Ben
  11. I have taken another shot to better explain my last question would you please take a look at my new post. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/52880-movement-of-gas-from-high-pressure-to-low-pressure/ Look forward to hearing from you. Best, Ben Saini
  12. Hello All, I was wondering if you would like to take a shot at these questions that I am yet to find correct answers for. In the Figure attached you will see that there is Methane Gas just under Ocean Bed 30,000 feet below the ground level. Pipe A is a hollow pipe drilled to the Ocean Bed with just natural air in it to let Methane Gas exit. Pipe B is filled with water with a small methane gas outlet drilled in to the pipe separately. My Questions: 1) Will gas come out by itself from Pipe A due extreme pressure at ocean floor because of surrounding water above and decreasing pressure as we go up to ground level through pipe? If it will come up by itself what are some theory/formulas that could be used to find the velocity with which the gas would travel out? 2) Because I have noticed that if Scuba Diver exhales or let some oxygen pass through water, it quicky rises up to the surface level due to difference in densities. Would it be better to have a pipe like Pipe B filled with liquid such as water for the gas to go up faster than it would in hollow pipe? What would be some theory/formula used in this case? Please feel free to ask questions that you believe are necessary assumptions to answer any of the above queries. Thanks to you all for your time and support. Best, Ben Saini Pipe_Diagram.pdf
  13. If there is natural gas found say 20,000ft under ocean just below ocean floor, can we just drill a pipe and expect gas to come up due to immense pressure 20000ft below or do we have to put a pump to suck the gas out to ground level? also please suggest best way to do the same most efficiently and economically. Thank you
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