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Everything posted by Jap3zy

  1. Jap3zy


    First of all, I would like to be sorry about my bad english. Space, the matter/thing that have been worried humans brains for as long humans have been existed... What is space? Where it ends? How space was created? How the materials for the big explosion got into space (the explosion which started whole space in one theory)? No one can know what is space and how it was actually created, but I would like to ask that how it ends? Whats outside of the spaces giant walls? What the hell is this whole thing we are living in?! Today we know even 24% of all the physics and things there is in space. Thats unbeliveable how much we know. Now you may think that what was the point of my topic But actually i was tryin to be creative and made the guestion ''Where space ends'' to very long text.
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