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Everything posted by Caesius

  1. I am taking Calculus III for one of my classes and Im learning about solving for Tangent Vectors and Normal Vectors for a curve. I figured out a way to determine the g-force exerted on a "particle" at a particular point on the curve by using vector calculus. So, just for laughs, I wanted to find out what g-forces a particle would experiance on the curve f(x) = x2. However, in order to solve it, I need the parametric equations for f(x) = x2. Im trying to make the parametric equations work so f(x) is like a rollercoster. However, everytime I try and solve for the parametric equations, I get gravity working "upside down" and my "particle" slows down as it approaches the origin (the bottom of my "rollercoster", whereas it should be speeding up.) Can anyone help? Thanks!
  2. Take some vinegar and put it into an empty two-liter soda bottle. Next, take some purple cabbage leaves and boil them in a little bit of water (the deeper the color the better) Mix the purple cabage water with the vinegar (note the interesting change), then throw in some baking soda. (Note another interesting change) Hope this helps!
  3. If you could find a more active metal than cerium (if I could make a guess, aluminum or magnesium), you might be able to come up with a thermite-like reaction reducing the cerium. CeOx(s) + Al(s) => Ce(l) + Al2O3 (unbalanced) OR CeOx(s) + Mg(s) => Ce(l) + MgO (unbalanced) My best guess is that magnesium is more likely to work because it is a slightly stronger reducer than aluminum. You will have to do some research and see whether or not magnesium and aluminum are stronger reducers than cerium, I couldn't find out right away. If they are, then I believe this may work a little like a thermite reaction.
  4. The one other acid I can think of that might even remotely be close to the movies isn't even considered a very strong acid. "Hydrogen Fluoride, HF, is quite soluble in water, but it ionizes only slightly, i.e., it is a weak acid. Although HF is a weak acid, it is very corrosive and is used to etch glass." (Whitten and Gailey, General Chemistry) My chemistry professor always used to say that when it comes to Hydrofluoric acid, the general rule is that you will see your bone before you will feel the pain.
  5. This site pretty much sums everything up according to my religion. http://www.slate.com/articles/life/explainer/2012/01/what_do_mormons_like_mitt_romney_believe_about_heaven_and_hell_.html
  6. oh, it's in the middle of the Medical Science section. Duh.
  7. No, we cannot "prove" that atoms exist. But we have some pretty good evidence through indirect means.
  8. I am doing a psychology test on global warming for school. I just need people's honest answers.
  9. I have a dilemma. I have been homeschooled for most of my life, so I don't really know anybody my own age group. Now I am starting to take a single, early morning class with my age group. Now my question is; I would like to get to know some of the people in my class more. But since they do not know me that well, they kind of avoid me subconsciously. So how can I get to know people better without appearing awkward or intrusive?
  10. Why is there no forum for phsychology? Phsychology technically is a science.
  11. What was the purpose of it? Is/can it still be on the earth today? What could it do?
  12. I know what my religon thinks of the Priesthood mentioned in the Bible. I am wondering what those of other religon's think of it. What are your believes when it comes to the Priesthood?
  13. Thanks everyone for the information. It was very helpful.
  14. I am not quite sure, there isn't that much of the oxidizer in the chlorine bleach just like store bought hydrogen peroxide. I don't think there is enough of the oxidizer in bleach to get aluminum oxide to react. But like I said before, you would have a pretty good chance of making some chlorine gas if you did get it going.
  15. Oxidizers can be very dangerous. If you use too strong of an oxidizer it may become explosive instead of a quick burn. A good example of this could be compared to a certain fuel, when burned alone it is just that, a fuel. But when mixed with a strong oxidizer it becomes one of the most commonly used commercial explosive. Because of this, it might be a violation of the forums policy to tell you exactly what to use. If you want something to look at that is similar but not an explosive, try looking up potassium permanganate and glycerin. I would stay away from using pool chlorine for its oxidizing effects, there is a good chance a byproduct will be chlorine gas, which depending on the concentration could smell like a pool, give you a nose bleed, or kill you. After you powder your aluminum, it will turn into aluminum oxide. Which, even though it is an oxidizer, is very hard to get going. You will need a very hot flame or a starting oxidizer to get a chain reaction going. I'm not sure about hydrogen peroxide. Most hydrogen peroxide that you can buy at a store is about 98% water.
  16. Hilarious... I'm good at chemistry, not computers. I also happen to be dyslexic. I know what the formula for ammonia is. I just accidentally wrote the formula for ammonium.
  17. My apologies, I seem to have confused two experiments that I did next to each other. Just to clarify, one experiment involved Toilet Bowl cleaner (HCl) and Aluminum. The other involved Toilet Bowl cleaner and Drano (NaOH). The first experiment was fine and it did what I wanted it to. (i.e. creating aluminum chloride and H2) The second experiment produced some Cl2 and NH4. Because Toilet Bowl cleaner and Drano are not pure HCl and NaOH, something else reacted that I did not want. I want something that is not from Wal-mart or Lowes. (Which I have been getting all my "chemicals" from because I cannot find a reliable chemistry store).
  18. The chemicals I used were Toilet bowl cleaner and Lye. I could tell it was NH4 and Cl2 because I know what they smell like. I also did some pH tests which helped my theory of NH4.
  19. I don't want anything too complicated or dangerous. I just want some chemicals pure enough that I will know what the products will be. A couple of weeks ago I wanted to perform an experiment with aluminum and HCl. Technically the predicted products will be H2 and AlCl3, but somehow I ended up with some gasous ammonia and chlorine gas just because my reactants were not pure. Basic experiment, but extreamly dangerous results. I figure that pure HCl would be safer than unexpected chlorine gas.
  20. Hey everyone! I want to buy some chemicals, but I can't find a good supplier. Where should I go?
  21. I would think that feeling worse than before you drank it might count as an ill effect.
  22. I have always wondered why other religon's consider Mormons (Latter Day Saint's) not as Christians. Why?
  23. I have a friend who is convinced that caffeine is good for you and is not addictive for anyone. I have tried to convince him otherwise but I do not know the science behind caffeine interacting with the body and the mind. My question is: what goes on in your body that makes caffeine have its ill effects? Or its good ones for that matter.
  24. This sounds very similar to what my Grandpa did when he was in Highschool. He did get some sodium, except he melted some sugar and put the sodium in there. When the sugar hardened he flushed it down the toilet. When the sugar dissolved minutes later in a small pipe the sodium reacted with the water causing all the toilets in the school to backfire.
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