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Everything posted by Vindictive

  1. For the past few months I have been quietly speculating on what I think may be an entirely new means for interpreting the universe based on Occam's Razor and Aristotelian logic. In my Binary Model, the universe operates on fractal variations of 2 laws and 2 elements. Space/time Quanta The law of conservation of energy No two quanta can occupy the same space/time There are a number of interesting results of the idea in my pondering: 1) Gravity is the temporally reversed "push" of probability clouds of quanta interaction. In other words, gravity operates BACKWARDS in time and is a push. The cause is experienced AFTER the effect as far as people are concerned. 2) (sketchy about this) At the distances involved between quanta, gravity is extreme. Rather than impacting and bouncing, the gravity "fuses" the quanta into a subatomic probability cloud with structure due to redefined limitations on possible vectors... an electron lets say. Since the impact vector is tangential in most cases, the elementary particle formed would then have an angular momentum and final vector that total 4c if the vectors had been coincidental. (angular and linear velocities for each of the contributing quanta) 3) Quanta ARE what makes mass AND the cause of gravity. Magnetism and all other properties are predictable based on the mass of the quanta involved and the understanding that for every quanta in the system there is a correlating energy constant. 4) Everything is predictable mathematically because all things are light and therefore CONSTANTLY moving at light speed in some manner... either rotationally or in a linear fashion. The uncertainty problem is that the time frame for interaction is so minute that quanta are the only means of accurately measuring positions and therefore, the act of measuring adds enough energy to the system to change the results. Maybe I'm just restating Quantum theory in a different way....
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