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Status Updates posted by Equilibrium

  1. The best things in life are free

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Equilibrium


      Do parents expect you to pay them for taking care of you as a child?

    3. dragonstar57
    4. the tree

      the tree

      Obviously there is an implied assumption of care in being given in return.

  2. Life. What we are and what we know the least about

    1. Newbies_Kid


      let me guess something, you're girl right?

    2. Equilibrium


      yes, i hope you can tell from the avatar ^^

      and no, this is not about love

    3. Newbies_Kid


      nope, i could tell from your status..

  3. One is All, All is One

    1. Leader Bee

      Leader Bee

      I am legion for we are many.

  4. Live Laugh Love Learn and THINK!

  5. When someone says science is stupid, they are calling themselves idiots

  6. Time. Something we all live with but cannot define

  7. Hello everyone, haven't logged on for over a month i think. Plus, i finally have a new computer :)

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