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Status Updates posted by Ninjakat

  1. >_< I absolutly hate chemistry, I wish I understood it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rktpro


      Balancing is the basic and easiest part of chemistry. You should work hard

    3. jerryyu


      perhap you shouldn't learn Without a teacher

    4. Ninjakat


      yeah, its very hard. I found a fantastic tutor though so maybe that is an ok substitute :)

  2. Exhausted! Time for bed soon :)

  3. I do not understand math :|

  4. Some people can be very immature and inconciderate. Honestly, grow up.

    1. Silence Resonance

      Silence Resonance

      You are right ..then we can face it with patience and quiet-temper :) (inconsiderate)

    2. Ninjakat


      Spelling is my worst area.. rofl

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