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  1. "When space-time is influence by relativistic effects, for example when an object approaches a singularity, does the same apply to the thermodynamic arrow of time?" If we are to go with relativity theory, at the point of a singularity, there are no inertial frames by virtue of the fact that time is "infinitely warped" at the point of singularity. Therefore, necessarily, there are no arrows of time (thermodynamic or otherwise) nor even is there a causal arrow (generally considered to be the most basic) at a singularity. In many senses, a singularity may be considered time independent. Also, the thermodynamic arrow can be misleading and in many extreme cases, can lead to erroneous thought processes since: (a) the thermodynamic arrow does not always point in the same direction; (b) the mechanism of time passage (whatever that may be) is qualitatively different from the mechanism of increasing entropy in that it appears to always point in the same direction and move at a constant, smooth rate - unlike the thermodynamic arrow. Due to these latter points, it is in general best to dispense of the "thermodynamic arrow of time" altogether as somewhat of a misconception (leave it for the engineers to use in their ridiculously over-simplified version of reality) and try to think "outside the box" (I do apologise for the cliché) when thinking about matters related to time, the passage of time and extreme natural phenomena (such as black holes, singularities, the big bang etc.). Time for a bit of speculation: indeed it wouldn't at all surprise me if the reason that scientists' explanation of the big bang/start of the Universe are so weak in their explanatory force is largely (if not entirely) stemmed from a misconception about the nature of time. Especially the notion that it is forward-moving and immutable.
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