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Everything posted by hgupta

  1. Already cleared that level!! Just asking if there is any relation between the answer and "His Project". BTW, now stuck at level 8. Tried nearly 25 names of Saints!!
  2. Does the answer of level 7 make any sense??
  3. Do you know the answer? Is it 18?
  4. even with the hint, I am still stuck at Page 2
  5. hehe, thank you!! actually did 3/7 for the second alphabet (or first vowel) !!
  6. hello, i could never work out this problem, and i am fed up it now, hope my question is clear!! thank you
  7. Hello, I wanted to try the LateX codes, that are used by members here to write Maths formulae etc. Where could I try them?? Is there any Test Area forum available here? Thank you
  8. How?? it should be 105o. taking tri(ABC), given ang(BAC) = 30 and AB = BC, so ang(ACB) = ang(ABC). sum of all angles of a triangle = 180o therefore, ang(ABC+ACB+BAC) = 180o and BAC = 30o => 2*ang(ACB) = 150o since ACB = ABC => ACB = 75o => ang(CAD) = ang(ACB) = 75o, property of ||ogram, alternate angles of a diagnol are equal => BAD = BAC + CAD = 30o + 75o = 105o also, BAD = ADE, property of || lines therefore, ADE = 105o WAIT, could you please re-read and re-post your question!! if AC = AB then it is no longer a ||gram but a quadrilateral!!
  9. Besides what DAK and Drug Addict( ) posted, AB when prescribed for viral infections weakens your defense mechanism, thus making you prone to infections, and increases the rate of risk of the infection. plus, an adult (assuming healthy) may not expose to side effects, but AB when given to children, old-aged people, pregnant women, increases that risk also. in most of the cases, these people do show some kind of abnormal behavior due to some dosage of ABs.
  10. i just wanted to know if the question does not fall into a category described (or used) in the book. and it's confirmed now.
  11. yes Luke is correct. you need some more information in order to solve it. i tried using the Trig., and Similar triangles concept but to no avail. please see if you are not missing any point.
  12. i haven't read Digital Fortress till now, so just asking a small question. is the answer a word, or a number or some random text or something else?
  13. umm, i think that's the whole explanation. well if you could not understand a/some specific step(s), post back and i will try to redo it again in a different manner.
  14. got the solution, posting here if someone else might want to know:
  15. Yes the answer is 32. forgot to add the 12 wins of the friend.
  16. hgupta

    Dice problem

    sorry about my previous answer. is it 48?? my bad, thought that a dice has 8 faces!! 6 faces, so 6 options for 1 and 6 on opposite sides, consecutively 4 options for 2 and 5, and so 2 options for 3 and 4. am i right??
  17. is the answer 20 days?? sorry for such posts!! i am preparing for few exams and these questions are killing me because i make very silly mistakes in Maths. kindly bear with me!!
  18. is the answer 64??
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