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Posts posted by IrishRed5

  1. To the Science Forums:



    My name is Peter, who is a college student at a major four year university in the United States of America. My current major is going to be computer science with a minor in history and electives probably in artificial intelligence or databasing. I'm legally blind using Window-Eyes, a speech synthesizer from http://www.gwmicro.com version 7.2. I use mainly Windows XP 2003 Professional Edition. My difficulty in not seeing print even enlarged magnification is taking calculus I and II, mathematical elective, natural science w elective and that in addition with some barriers to speech recognition. However, I have heard from GW users, ACB, NFB, Blind Spot and other organizations that it's very much possible to go into this field. I don't know nemeth code either so it's a bit of a trouble me at all.

    Explaining to you guys that this is difficult is an under statement and there are no real under graduate online classes either here at Auburn University. The advanced mathematics in my opinion and that of others is worthless showing skills of problem solving cause what you don't use you will forget right? I just want to push through these courses and would like advice from ccomputer scientists and mathematics and natural scientist on what is the easier approaches in this matter. I hope to work at Google or Apple one of these days working on databasing or compiling troubleshooting or something along those lines. Also, I would like an opinion about natural science and in particular which you think would be easier on a blind person being astronomy, geology, chemistry or physics? Thanks for any mailings or whatever you have as I might not post on this introduction thread aagain.

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