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Posts posted by smeagol69

  1. http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/mystery_monday_040524.html


    I was reading an article about the size of the universe & got very confused. It explained it thus:


    Need a visual? Imagine the universe just a million years after it was born, Cornish suggests. A batch of light travels for a year, covering one light-year. "At that time, the universe was about 1,000 times smaller than it is today," he said. "Thus, that one light-year has now stretched to become 1,000 light-years."


    My problem is this: A star produces X number of photons along a hypothetical straight line in one "year". The first photon is a light-year away from the sun, the last one is just coming out of the sun. According to the quote above, the line has now stretched 1,000 times it's original length. Since there are still the same number of photons along that line, wouldn't the light be 1,000 times "weaker" to our eyes?


    What piece is my layman's brain missing?

  2. Hello, all! I'm your typical slacker type from the 80's who has already learned the most valuable lesson from these forums - USE YOUR SPELL-CHECKER! :D


    Really, I came here looking for info on photons & got hooked on many different subjects (wasted a couple day's worth of work :rolleyes: ) Once I catch up on things, you'll find I think I know it all, but I'm willing to listen. Fortunately, it seems there are others of this ilk here also...


    Current project - working on the possibility of using REXX to debunk St. Thomas Aquinas....;)

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