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About Sinistral

  • Birthday 12/07/1987

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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. I live in Kansas, and recently my AP Government class has begun a debate over the constitutionality of requiring intelligent design to be taught in [biology, science] classes as an alternative to evolutionary theory. I was suprised (and disappointed) to learn that the majority believe in unobjective fairness. That is, that because intelligent design theory has been presented, it is a valid alternative to the "biased" education of evolutionary theory. The argument over the validity of intelligent design (ID) theory as a science is important not only because it would decide the fairness issue (that is, the argument for fairness would be fallacious if ID theory were proven to be scientifically illegitimate), but because it would decide the constitutionality of keeping intelligent design out of federal/state mandates concerning "origin education." So, here's the question: has ID theory been recognized as a valid scientific theory? My strong prediction (expectation) is that it is not, but I am looking, specifically, for statements on the matter from qualified sources. So far I'm having trouble finding a "legitimacy meter" that tracks the general scientific community's position on its validity, and I'm quite certain one will never exist. Anyway, thanks in advance for help with this seemingly ignorant question.
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