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  1. Muffin


    I would be against making a clone of yourself, so that you can kill it and take it's organs or something. That would be very wrong. A clone is a person too, and should have exactly the same rights as everyone else. However, if a parent wants to clone a dead child, let em' do it. As long as they understand that they won't be exactly the same, and not to try and force them to do so. Yeah, cloning just seems kinda stupid, but, we might clone a genius, just to advance society furthur. Or as stated they could become a pshyco killer that gets away with everything cuz they're so smart
  2. Well I think that when it is still attached to the mother, and totally dependant, it's not a seperate life yet. If you could take it out and have no problems, then it's a person.
  3. I think toads live more on land, and frogs live more in the water. I'm not even sure it toads grow up from tadpoles....someone plz correct me if i'm wrong.
  4. Hey YT, making plastic sounds pretty cool. What kind of variable do u think would be a good one to test? I'm not sure what I can change without it totally ruining the plastic. Like, maybe there's something that makes the plastic harder or softer, or makes it more tolerant of heat or something. Any ideas?
  5. Hey, that's a really cool spin on things! The ppl who take the Bible literaly would do well to listen to this, lol.
  6. Also, I read in this book about the left and right sides of the brain. The right side thinks in pictures and ideas, while the left side thinks in words and numbers. The right side is responsible for this leap of thought and understanding, but because there were no words or logical thinking involved, it seemed like it all happened by chance, or that it just dawned upon you.
  7. LOL, awsome. I only got three. Here's something along the same lines that yall might find interesting. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are in; the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
  8. lol, I can't even step on the things. Not even with shoes on. I don't know what it is. My mom even bought me this little bug vacuum, that sucks them up, but I'm afraid t use it, in case they miss the hole and fly up at me. eek!
  9. It's gotta be an actual experiment though, where I have a hypothesis and am testing it to see if it works out.
  10. Well, I am very afraid of spiders, and centipedes, and insects in general, but I don't think it's a phobia. Like, if I see one on the wall across the room, my pulse might rise a bit, but then I'll settle down really quickly, but then if it moves, my pulse will go back up again. Their quickness does have alot to do with it. Also, here's an example of something I did. I walked into my room one day and saw a centipede crawl under my bed. I spent the next 1/2 hour perched on a chair trying to see where it was, and if I could sneak out of my room to get someone to kill it. Would that be a phobia?
  11. I'm taking chemistry right now, but I think I'd rather do somethine else. Like maybe an engineering type experiment?
  12. Yeah, as stated, I think that believing in God and an afterlife will calm you. I often go into terror stricken states where I'm just afraid, cuz I don't know what is after life, or if there is a God, and so on. I doubt that'll kill me, but there is something to be said for a calm mind making a calm body. That is a pretty shocking statistic though. I'm very surprised.
  13. Go ahead and try it. Hit yourself in the back of the neck, and see which way your head moves. I admit, the teeter totter thing was kinda out there, but it sort of explains what I mean. Oh, maybe it was a terrible reference, sorry.
  14. Oh man, that picture has me all creeped out now. Spiders shouldn't be as big as a floppy disk.....ewww. *Shakes slightly* I don't know why I'm afraid of them. I mean, it's completely irrational. There's no way our ancestors that lived outside in the wilderness were afraid of them, so how did we evolve to become so irrational about such things?
  15. There's no way that was a personal attack on you. If it was that was really really mean. And that zetatalk thing is so weird! I almost died laughing at the "monster sun" photos. I was expecting something outragous, but these ppl too pictures of the sun like, behind clouds or something and said that it was a "monster sun"! HAHAHAHHA
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