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Everything posted by 2810712

  1. so as used in the gas law eqn 1/2mv1^2+1/2mv2^2+.....+1/2mvn^2 will give total K.E. go gas so taking out 1/2 m common we get sum of squares of all velocities which is constant due to perfectly elastic collosions of molecules at a constant temp. If we divide it by n and then take a root we get out RMS velocity. SO, substituting squared RMS velocity in the eqn seems correct. And as RMS is constant at given temp. it can be used to relate the temp. and energy in a better way right? Thanks for those links and replies. Further opinions welcome. hrushikesh
  2. Radiation absorbed by the particle will be lesser than the energy radiated by it,just imagine two balls in the middle of an empty cube radiating the energy. For the just afterBB situation nothing will be there to absorb those quanta. MAss conversion is one possibility which can explain wh the average temp. of universe is lowered. I doubt that just energy or just mass of universe is constant for given movement of time , so average temperature won't also be constant. Now from av. temp. of universe and Mass of universe , we may get the energy stored as heat in the universe at that moment of time if we know av. heat capacity of universe. If we know the total energy & mass just after bigbang and Energy and mass of universe today we can get how much enegy is being massificated [ E=mc^2+...].
  3. Yeah, the site helped. But it didn't tell why is this way of removing negative signs preffered over the others... because all methods lead to different results... hrushikesh
  4. that really helped me think better... @5614 & all but about 'true average.' we can have magnitudes of velocities added and then averaged. This will be the true magnitudal av. But rootmean is greater that it mostly. And with the same reasoning u used, it'll be alright with using fourthroot mean fourth power velocity and further even powers of velocities. They all don't come equal to each other and to the magnitudal average.So just removing negative sign can't be the sole reason... What do you think? hrushikesh
  5. thnx for reply we can't make definite statements about mol.wt.s of proteins without a formula... hrushikesh
  6. Why does root mean square velocity has importance in Kinetic theory? Whats its specific importance? I mean why not just mean of magnitudes or cube-root mean cube velocity etc.??? I don't know more abut statistics, so please help... hrushikesh
  7. Why is the plane of PPL rotated? What are the factors that lead to rotation in the planes of electric and magnetic field in the light??? is it electron density that causes this.Can this be related to quantum chemistry??? the plane of a photon!!!??? sounds weired , as i do imagine a photon as a spherical massless enegry packages. help required. hrushikesh
  8. What are advantages of deoxy nature of DNA over RNA and Thymine over uracil??? DeoxyVsDioxy IF its say hydrolysis... why is it harmful... it may be due to blokage of enzyme activity as no free -OH gr is present in hydrolysed form, but RNAs have enzymes working on them that require presence of free -OH group [primase??? ], so the frequency of hydrolysis in RNA should be very less.So how come it is a deciding factor??? hrushikesh
  9. We use no. of differences in Amino Acid sequences of some homologous proteins from two species or use DNA finger printing to guess when did the two lines separated. Using Poisson distribution and exponential rate law we can give approx time when two lines got separated if we know the constant for that protein or DNA. But as we are examining a specefic prot or a specefic DNA sequence[ DNA sequence complimentary to the probe we use], we should comment just about the evolution of that specefic prot. or DNA. We can , still , get a constriant like -as the prot lines/DNA lines got separate T years ago, the organism-lines must have separated Tyrs ago or Before. For correct judgement of time of separation we have to compare many prots and DNAs of the two organisms.A rigorousssest thing!!! Am I correct??? Please help... One more thing- What makes some sequce conserved??? What is the mechanism behind it??? We must use conserved sequences of DNA or Proteins as if the rate is faster then nearly correct no. of mutations is not obtained due to overlapping of mutations.I think if we divide the whole DNA into longer units this error may be reduced .But still we can't use fastly changing proteins eg. fibrinogen in human. So, this reduses our resolution. For getting the separation pt using AA sequences of homologous prots. we use Poisson distribution. There in the eqn, we get a constant 1/2 in the expression of the rate constant [ ''the fraction of changed amino acids per unit time''].Why is it there??? is it a constant then how could we determine it??? By comparing C-14 / U-235 dating of available fossils and their protein/DNA sequences of those fossilized organisms??? We can use this to find out how prot families may be linked...same way we can use this for judging the evolution DNA sequences. Is it being done??? Shrei
  10. SDS adds to mass as well as charge of the protein , to have the separation only on the basis of molecular wt. after adding SDS the q/m of all prots should be equal and as SDS also adds to molec. wt. of prot also, we should be able to get the original molecular wt. by comparing its mobility with that of a known sample molecular wt. In SDS PAGE we use sodium dodecyl sufate to make the ratios of q/m s of two diff peptides nearly equal still keeping the difference between them the same. This tells that this ration is only important here... why??? I think the difference in the displacements of the two peps in the gel depends only of the ration of their q/ms. What is its expression??? DON'T mind Yggdrasil, if u r here... Shrei
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