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  • Lepton

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  1. Don't worry, he won't eat my brain, I think his holy book tells him not to eat people (apparently God gave us plants and animals for food, not people for food. We can stone people, crucify them, burn the at the stake, and enforce our will upon them through violence, take people as slaves, and destroy entire civilizations, but eating them is a no no ) All jokes aside, I know how to counter and explain some of the common "Irreducible Complexity" arguments, like the ones dealing with the eye and bacterial flagellum, but I haven't heard this one before (about kinesin), don't know much about it, and can't find any information on the evolution of kinesin with a google search (it's tough to find...) I have debunked most of his supposed "evidence" against evolution in some detail, but this one particular thing is causing me trouble because I cannot find specific information about it's evolution. He, being the YEC that he is, takes my lack of knowledge on that subject as some supreme victory, even though I destroyed all of his other misconceptions about evolution lol. But yeah... information on the evolution of kinesin is tough to find, thats one of the only things I haven't been able to go into detail with him on. It's so difficult to talk to YEC's... they are so biased...
  2. Hello, a friend of mine (a Young Earth Creationist:doh:) is trying to convert me and tell me that motor proteins are irreducibly complex, and I don't know enough about it to refute him (I am not really much of a science guy.) He says that the kinesins move along microtubule cables, and that it couldn't have come about by evolution. Can someone explain to me how this thing evolved so I can shut him up? He keeps insisting that since I cannot explain this, that evolution is my religion, and I am getting tired of it. Thanks.
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