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Posts posted by trvlrpsmyrph

  1. Any artificial chemical compound in the body isn't good at all. The body has it's own "tool box" but if it only has wore out tools or a limited amount, then naturally the immune system will be limited in it's abilities. " Mechanics are only as good as the tools they have available."

  2. Detoxify the cranium by thinking with your digestive system, when the trash is finally able to exit then the brain can finally recall all data stored. Study human anatomy and you will discover there is only one way the human machine (yes, we are carbon based machines) can completely detoxify itself. WARNING !!!!! BEFORE YOU CHANGE THE POSTURE OF THIS SIMPLE, EVERYDAY MORNING BEHAVIOR, YOU MUST CONSULT A QUALIFIED, REPEAT, QUALIFIED MEDICAL PHYSICIAN TO MONITER YOUR SYSTEMS ON A DAILY BASIS!!!!!! SOME PEOPLE WILL NEED TO BE MONITERED THROUGHOUT THE DAY, DIABETICS, HEART DISEASE PATIENTS, CANCER AND AIDS VICTIMS!!!!!!!!!!



  3. I've looked on sites the internet' date=' but haven't been able to find out about these little darting specks of light that I see when I look up towards the sky. They don't appear to be in the sky, but are more like somehow produced in the actual eye, as I believe they move with the movement of my eyes. They're not "floaters", as they look very different to them (much brighter, for starters). I've never noticed them when I've been indoors, so I think that bright natural light is a factor. So, kind friends, can I ask a few questions of anyone willing to answer any of them, and maybe help me out? :


    -Firstly, and most crucially, does anyone know what they are?


    -Do you see them?


    -Does everyone see them?


    -Can anyone provide a good link about them?



    Thanks in advance for any help.:)[/quote']

    During the daytime drink lotsa natural orange juice, eat carrots for snacks, and get your glasses tinted either light blue or violet. Sunlight is vitamin C too.

  4. Sorry if this has already been posted, but this has been bugging me for a while and a search didn't turn up anything. We keep talking about alternative energy sources everywhere when there is a constant energy around us all the time. What I want to know is, could gravity be used as a feasible source of energy?

    Our current motors and engines operate by two-dimensional design. Therefore, the third dimension is wasted energy (commonly heat). Once you have figured out how to design a machine that operates in all three dimensions simultaneously, then gravity will work for you; silently, effortlessly, and without creating heat. Get my drift?

  5. There is no such thing as anti-gravity. That's like thinking there is anti-sound or anti-light. The electromagnetic spectrum is always around us, and if it were ever turned off, we (the Universe as we Know it) would no longer exist. If the Earth's temperature were absolute zero, there would be no gravity, we wouldn't need it. As a side note, there is no such thing as perpetual motion either, but we Can utilize (harness, if you will) gravity for our energy needs. We don't need the elements to work for us.

  6. Hi everybody!


    As you may define "Force" as a "push or a pull"' date=' then how would you go about defining momentum in the same way.


    Please don't use "mass*velocity" stuff, I've read it thousands of times in my textbook and it doesn't really explain the actual meaning of momentum.



    Momentum is the product of time, weight AND direction. Put simply, an object falling for ten seconds will have more potential energy than the same object falling for five seconds. Hope this helps.

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