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Posts posted by Connor

  1. you would use the same process:










    so there's a extreme at x=1




    so it is a minimum


    plug that back into the original equation and there's a minimum at (1,-16)

  2. Alrighty, I've lost my freakin' program switching to a new computer, and I'm trying to find a good compiler. I'm trying to use JCreator, which was excellent before, but now I just can't figure it out. Anyone have suggestions along those lines?



    By the way the text is from Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis


    It's the opening lines, I'm not sure how far it goes in, and the punctuation may be off, as it was a rough program I wrote


    Yeah, and if happen to figure out how the code works, put some encoded text up and I'll tell you if it's right

  3. and the twin paradox, where your twin goes out and comes back younger than you: you'd think there would be problem there because YOU should seem younger than HIM, but it works out because he changes his frame of reference when he turns around...

  4. ^assuming that is correct^




    1321132132211331121321231231 ....no more!

  5. I'm starting a Complex Analysis class at my high school and I'm having trouble proving this delta-epsilon limit:


    [math]\lim_{z \to 0} \frac{\overline{z}^2}{z}=0[/math]


    any suggestions?

  6. I've been told glass is an amorphous solid. I guess it's up for debate.


    There is no b.com. However, there is beta.com. Beta is "B" in the Greek alphabet. That's kinda wierd. ;)


    I just licked my elbow

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