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Everything posted by sicro

  1. Thank you all for your help! I did some research and I don't think it's a medical problem...I have a pretty healthy diet... And I also had my blood-work done not long ago and nothing came up, except a minor Ca deficiency which I've always had... It's true that I find it easier to remember things that are challenging, which I have to "discover" by myself. I've tried using imagery for learning and noticed that weird associations do improve my memory. However I thought that this method was like permanently pumping air into a leaky tire and that if my memory were normal I wouldn't have to "trick" it. And related to 30103, by memorizing it like that I can "feel" that I will remember it. As if it is "anchored" to something. It's really weird how before forgetting or remembering I can usually feel what will happen. Once again, thank you all, I've taken notes from aprox. all post and I'm trying to find improvements for my "condition".
  2. I also have a problem with remembering street names, store names, things I have to do... Sometimes I feel as if I were dreaming and when I realize I was supposed to do something and forgot, I feel like that memory was there but not "accessed". Almost like when you find out you have to do something next year and you put that thought somewhere in the back of your head and don't use it. And this feeling is different from the other kind of "forgetting", when I feel as if what I'm trying to learn isn't tied down to anything and I'm going to "lose" the thought. When I try to remember things like city names I get exactly this feeling, like the name is hanging above the forgetting pit and I already feel the fear of dropping it. It really feels weird, as if I knew that there's no point in trying to remember that. And when I reread about this certain thing which I can no longer remember, it feels like I'm learning something new, although I know I've learned it before. Unlike the first type of forgetting, when it feels like I had the memory inside.
  3. Hello to everyone, I'm a new member so I'd like to great you all first! Like I've stated in the title, I have some problems regarding the learning process. I seem to forget rather quickly what I've learned and repeating doesn't seem to help at all. I've repeated what Bronze and Brass are for about 1x times till now and I still keep on forgetting. I'm finishing college this year, by the way. Anyway, I have really good grades and catch on really fast how things work and basic principles, but I forget the details in a heart beat. I struggle especially with subjects that don't have some kind of logic.. Like remembering composite materials names, or associating weird names to things -those theories that are named after someone..-... etc. For example, during high-school we did a lot of calculus and in the first year of college too. Now, after 2 years, I struggle with solving calculus exercises and couldn't even remember what the first derivative is used for and so on. Another example, I know the laws of Thermodynamics, but I can never recall them by heart, by law number. So I know that energy is preserved, but I can't remember what number this law has. Do you know any ways of changing my learning habits in order to improve memory? Or any ways of improving memory not necessarily related to learning? I am really desperate, because I have the feeling that I'm wasting time learning since I will forget what I'm learning. Sometimes I forget till the next day... And the really weird thing is that I'm interested in almost everything I learn.. from math to history.. but I still forget.
  4. The outter contour is fixed. When I select the axis, according to the Vector direction rule, the moment spins the surface like a wheel, it doesn't pull the inner surface outward. Thus, the deformed plate looks like the original plate -completely flat-, not like a "space ship".
  5. I can select define by Vector/ Components in that area. Vector -- I have to choose a direction. If I place the mouse on the inner contour, the direction=axis of the hole and thus the moment rotates the inner contour instead of bending it. I cannot change that vector and make it parallel to the surface... So I've made a 2nd ring and when i choose its inner contour the vector is parallel with the first plate's surface. However, in this case, the moment acts how you see in the strain diagram, not how it should.. The 2nd option is choosing "define by components", which also doesn't work, because if the moment is defined by X/Y component, it doesn't uniformly bend the ring upwards. If it would let me define it in a cil. CS it would be ok, but ...
  6. Ok, sorry for the confusion.... this is what you can select in the moment options area, besides what you see in the first ScreenShots... the problem is that it wont let me select the other Coordinate System.. Thank you very much for the links, too!
  7. Sorry, I dont understand... what advanced options?related to what? because there are General program options, moment options, coordinate system options...
  8. Sorry for my bad English, I'm Romanian... So, I've got a homework where im supposed to define a moment along the inner contour of a ring like plate. -see 1st picture- The problem is that I could find a program that allows me to do that... Ansys only lets me define the moment in the Cartesian Coordinate System, not the Cylindrical one, and thus the moment doesn't deform the plate like in the picture, but in a different way -see picture 3-. I had to build the 2nd ring in order to define the moment vector direction along Z, because originally the program would only accept a direction that is the same with the axis of the hole and made the moment act like it were spinning the inside ring. -see picture 4- Any ideas? Any help would be really appreciated...
  9. Ok, why the hell is Lake Placid recommended here? What's scientifically correct about it? An oversized croc that swam from across the world to be fed by an old lady with live cows? Let's not talk about how it doesn't eat the fat guy and how it attacks a flying chopper and a stationary boat anchor and how the little cow survives in the end. Come on...
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