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Everything posted by Shadowness

  1. I have circular wire loop (radius 10 cm) that exists in the presence of a growing magnetic field. Thus, an EMF of 5 V is induced in the wire. We are given that the wire resistance is a constant 2 ohms/cm. Two arbitrary points are chosen on the wire, A1 and A2. These points divide the wire into two arcs, L1 and L2, where L1 = 3L2. Now, the question asks: What is the electric potential from A1 to A2 along the longer arc? And along the shorter arc? My book explains clearly that "Electric potential does not have meaning for electric fields produced by induction". So...is this a trick question (which it might very well be, my professor has done so in the past)? Thanks.
  2. Simple question, the gas chromatography graph shows two curves to show the ratio of two products. Will the retention time for each product always be in the same order for the two products? I am asking because we pooled class data, and although the ratios are the relatively the same, the order of retention time was different. For instance: Data 1: 1.04min 40% 1.06min 60% Data 2: 1.04min 60% 1.06min 40% Can anyone explain? Thanks.
  3. Ok, we are asked to find the energy required to remove the first electron on Li using Bohr's equation E= -2.179e-18 (Z) (1/n^2-1/n^2) where n is intial and final energy levels and Z is atomic number. I get 1.634e-18 J/ electron. I convert this moles and I get 9.84e5 J or 984 kJ/mol. But it asks to compare this value to the IE value for Li's first electron, which is 520 kJ/mol. It asks if these values are to be the same. I would assume so, but my math says otherwise. Did I mess up somewhere? Thanks in advanced. edit: Sorry didn't notice the homework help thread. But if any can help here that'd be nice >.<
  4. From the way its worded in question, I take it as the rain falling straight downward.
  5. hey guys, thanks for the helpful answers. I didn't mention this, but I believe this question is supposed to be easy. So I don't think the prof will expect us to concern the fact that the car loses momentum to change the momentum of the raindrops. I'm confused how momentum is to be conserved in this system though since the momenta are in different directions (as some of you guys pointed out).
  6. An open railroad car is rolling horizontally, without friction, in a heavy rainstorm, where all the raindrops are falling vertically. 1. What will happen to the horizontal speed of the car as it fills with rain? What will happen to its momentum? 2. When the raindrops hit the car, they lose their vertical momentum. How is momentum conservation working here? ** My answers 1. The horizontal cart will only increase in mass and its velocity will remain constant (assuming the rain does not slow down the car). Therefore its momentum increases. 2. My guess is that since the raindrops' momentum is zero after the collision, momentum of the entire system is conserved because the car increases momentum. Are these answers correct or am I missing something?
  7. can enzymes work on nonspontaneous (endergonic) reactions?
  8. If the speed of light is relatively the same to all objects no matter the velocity, then how do we know that earth isnt moving at 99% of C? If we were moving at that speed, C will still appear the same as if earth was moving 50% of C right? So how do we know our velocity compared to C if the speed of light remains constant under all conditions?
  9. i dont think energy will actually travel from one end of the the stick to the other...it only takes the initial energy to produce a force on the stick that will cause the stick to move...not energy throughout the entire stick..but i could be wrong >.<
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