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Posts posted by Astroreeper

  1. Well of course all of this would depend on current fundamentals being correct, but....


    I have been pondering something for many years.


    I can't be sure looking at the facts that have crossed my path, that the universe is indeed expanding without doubt. But this is a given as all good science should be based on the conjectionists principle.


    I understand the Doppler shift, but in analysis could it not be that it only appears that our universe is expanding, when in fact we are moving faster toward the center of our universe. And of course those bodies closer to the center would be moving even faster.

    And if this was to be, would it not explain why most of our universe is apparently missing?

    This would please me very much as getting rid of some of the rediculous concepts such as the multitude of string theories, (Which I consider mathmatical art and not science.) would free up the time of some amazing minds to find out the true nature of things.

    But if you could point me in the right direction I would be most grateful.

  2. Of course this is one of the most challenging problems facing science. Yet the investment is happening at a relitavly low level.


    But it will happen so long as the theories are correct. All that is required is the third stage fuel of Helium 3 for the most difficult yet efficient reactions to occur.




    There are manned missions to the moon by of course NASA, ESA, China and Russia. With Japan and even India said to have an interest.


    Why? Because Helium 3 in abundance is worth about £3bn per ton, if we can make a Helium 3-Helium 3 reaction.


    Currently we have been floundering with Trtium-Deuterium reactions which do indeed expell neutrons that would damage any reactor.

    But helium 3 is said to be a true fusion without cast off, and condensates to plain old water.


    It will happen guys, we just have to find the investment which will require a higher profile of the technology.

  3. I have been pondering something for many years.


    I can't be sure looking at the facts that have crossed my path, that the universe is indeed expanding without doubt.

    I understand the Doppler shift, but in analysis could it not be that it only appears that our universe is expanding, when in fact we are moving faster toward the center of our universe. And of course those bodies closer to the center would be moving even faster.

    And if this was to be, would it not explain why most of our universe is apparently missing?

    This would please me very much as some of the rediculous concepts such as the multitude of string theories, (Which I consider mathmatical art and not science.) freeing up the time of some amazing minds to find out the true nature of things.

    But if you could point me in the right direction I would be most grateful.

  4. I have been pondering something for many years.


    I can't be sure looking at the facts that have crossed my path, that the universe is indeed expanding without doubt.

    I understand the Doppler shift, but in analysis could it not be that it only appears that our universe is expanding, when in fact we are moving faster toward the center of our universe. And of course those bodies closer to the center would be moving even faster.

    And if this was to be, would it not explain why most of our universe is apparently missing?

    This would please me very much as getting rid of some of the rediculous concepts such as the multitude of string theories, (Which I consider mathmatical art and not science.) would free up the time of some amazing minds to find out the true nature of things.

    But if you could point me in the right direction I would be most grateful.

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