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Posts posted by kolenkooll

  1. Dwarf Fortress is one of my favorite games. It took me a month of restarting to survive my first winter. The ASCII graphics are a breeze to get used to after a short while, and the tilesets available make a huge difference in aesthetics. Plus its always fun to see a dwarf go insane, drag another dwarf into the butcher shop and come out wearing a pair of legendary dwarf leather gauntlets and then going on a killing spree.

  2. All people die in the long run and eugenics is a way for the delusional to think they can control things that are beyond their perview. The US is, however, the greatest preveyor of violence in the history of humankind. Our invention of the atom bomb has led to humanity possibly one day destroying itself. In addition, if the rich want to get rid of the poor, who will slave for them. They are the real culprits and are weak.


    I’ll keep this short.


    If Darwin can be read in the light of eugenics, then the bible must also be read in the light of every nutter and psychopath that has done something terrible only to claim ‘god told me to do it’. I believe neither of these to be true.


    Failing that, it can also be likened to a person shooting someone else and trying to blame the gun.

  3. I can’t recall any of my dreams ever coming true. Not even the ones where I’m dreaming in code (I’m a programmer) and solve a pesky problem I’ve been working on. I always wake up thinking I found the answer but I never do. In contrast, my other dreams are frequently about vampires and werewolves – if those ever came true we’d all be in trouble. ;)

    For the record, I’m female and tend to believe that dreams represent whatever is going on in your subconscious (or the back of your conscious mind) – whether it’s problem solving or freudian. But I would never claim they came true.

  4. It really depends. Both are worth learning. .Net is used in corporate projects. The salaries are a bit higher than those of php. Note that for the most part, you'll be tied to Microsoft, the biggest promoters of non-free, closed source software of questionable quality.


    PHP, on the other hand, has a huge fan base. There are more open source CMS's, e-commerce templates and other intriguing applications implemented in PHP. Moreover, PHP is available in all systems (Linux, mac, Win) whereas .Net is not.


    PHP is much better than dot.net. PHP is like JavaScript, VB Script and dot.net together, with an extra 700 functions. Definitely go with PHP.

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