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Posts posted by Quantoman

  1. I would say to focus your time on inbound links, but this is time consuming since you have to blog and leave you link everywhere. if time is an issue i would suggest paying for your inbound links at Linkvana cost around 150.00 (to steep for me), but you do run the risk of google catching you and may pull your site off the web. Not sure of the reason why google would do that, but linkvana guaranty that this wont happen, i think... you may want to read through their offer for yourself.


    If you decide to not use a inbound link company it may take you about a week or more of constant blogging to get your website listed.



    good luck with getting your site ranked

  2. I have had this same problem from my research its all about the inbound links. the more links pointing to your site the higher your rate you will get. also content is a big deal. check out this link: the site wizard.com he has some good info there, and you know its good info because he is on the top of that search list.


    visit my website http://investmentideasforrecession.blogspot.com/ and follow my blog and i'll do the same for you, the more people you have following your blog will also boost your rating with google

  3. It all starts with a point. The point is defined as a singularity, 'that which can only be measured by itself.'


    Is that an adequate description of a 0 dimensional singularity? throng





    it depends if that point (singularity) is not a 3 dimensional sphere..


    at best the point would be 2 dimensional, but 0 dimensional

    singularity is zero demension = nothing.


    i guess?

  4. energy = consciousness, i agree with bombus initial post, our brains are just a receiver for the energy released from a conscious universe or a conscious dimension.


    and i think if we could single out the source energy of consciousness, we could indeed,.. channel it to have a computer program be aware of itself.

  5. The Big Bang Theory is the dominant scientific theory about the origin of the universe. According to the big bang, the universe was created sometime between 10 billion and 20 billion years ago from a cosmic explosion that hurled matter and in all directions.


    it takes energy to make matter, an atom is in motion, and motion = energy.


    In physical cosmology, dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that permeates all of space and has strong negative pressure.


    when a black hole tear the fabric of spacetime i think dark energy may

    leak into the tear...


    which may answer why our universe continue to expand..


    i did mis-stated my idea tho.. you are RIGHT.


    I'm not sure what you mean here, but if you're still talking about big bang and black holes, then big bang came first.


    do you also know why?


    Uhhh, sure, whatever you want.


    ahh, RIGHT agian.





  6. i equate the universe similar to the earths atmospheric cycle.


    you have energy becoming matter and matter becoming energy.


    big bang = matter


    black hole = dark energy


    why and which started frist??? = good question.


    i see,, for each black hole you may have a big bang

    in a sub universe, and each sub universe you will have

    a black hole.


    a cycle is infinite if you are not the one who initiate it...

  7. like what ^ posted..


    very little amount of danger involved, the black hole is

    suppose to be smaller than an atom.


    not only that but this has occurred naturally for billions

    of years as D H points out.


    and the black hole is only going to last for a couple of

    mirco seconds.


    just to prove that extra-dimension exist. (and of course other stuff)


    and thats about it.

  8. dstebbins,


    slow down dude i am sure the people involved already know the limitations

    of mass.. LOL


    i think the cia has the monopoly on misinformation also..not me.


    I just regurge info that i read nothing more.


    In switzerland NEAR geneva a large hadron collider is being build.

    there they(10,000 or so sciencitis) plan to re-create a blackhole.


    they will attemp this late 2007. (hopefully sooner)


    by firing protons using supermagnets

    in a 17-mile-long lhc accelerator.


    the two beams of protons will travel on a collision

    course NEAR the speed of light (not sure how fast exactly)


    according to their studies as protons get close together

    in effect, they increase the force of gravity.


    hopefully the force of gravity between the protons

    will become so strong that it will force the quarks

    inside the colliding protons to coalesce.


    not impossible, yes.

  9. may be thought origination is more than just simple communication

    between cells...


    its possible we can't understand thought because of our limited view

    of dimension.


    i think, "thought" in its purist form is energy, and is inter-dimensional.


    like gentic memory, how is the information transferred from generation

    to the next generation? has to be stored somewhere.


    but where?


    i know this dont answer anything but, if you think about it all the time

    you going to go crazy...muuwwahhhh, ha, ha, aaaa..


    like me.




    i just think about this stuff all the time and i am glad others find this

    as interesting as i.

  10. i dont know about that.. although i understand the red ball analogy, i still

    would have to disagree... let say you have that same box but it has a

    endless supply of red balls (photosynthesis) and each time you take one

    out another takes its place?


    i look at it like a slow running faucet you can use the water and convert

    it to beer but the water is still flowing.


    i think just because you convert O2 into CO2 does not mean the production

    of O2 has stopped.

  11. How would an increase in CO2 Levels in the atmosphere effect O2 levels

    in the atmosphere?


    also does this make any sense;


    Air is 21% oxygen

    so if CO2 doubles (say 350ppm or so)

    air will be 20.965% oxygen


    its seems crazy that simple subtraction would have an effect on O2

    levels which is a constant variable.


    pls tell if i am wrong.


    thank you

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    i found this after playing a game.


    i havent seen this file before, can

    anyone tell me what it is?

  13. the game is on a server hosted by shockwave

    on a linux platform


    you can modify the game physics, terrain, rounds, ect...

    using software (torque game engine.)


    the game was made by bravetree, and is sold

    through garage games and shockwave.


    i know he is doing something, 99.9% is not chance.

    and i know he can afford dsl.


    he also is a admin and a moderator.


    btw i know he has server codes because

    he has booted me off a public server three

    times. (shockwave are public server)


    i rarely use private servers.


    i hope there is something i can do...

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