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Everything posted by Sonar

  1. the universe is infinite. so so are the possibilities.
  2. well... the definition pretty explains itself. only light can travel at that speed anyway.
  3. I did see a special on Discovery Science. They had a man who is using electric eyes. He can see the outlines of things and very little color. But he can make his way around. And actually see. There is a back pack that he wears, with the battery in it. And there is an attachment to his brain. We have come a long way.
  4. at the speed of light... you change into light....
  5. A different but identical plane of the 4th dimension. Can be interefered with and has the same rules. It really is quite possible. But unless time is proven to be able to be bent and viewed, not really proven.
  6. Well it all depends on interpretation. There arent really any dimensions. Just stimuli responses and interpretations by the brain. Think of a big timeline. All these different moments always exist. But you can only be in one at a time. It is sort of like a plane that everything else is contained. So in order to exist, you must be on this plane/dimension of time. You can therefore, theoretically, travel faster or slower on this plane. Like some objects are wider, denser, so on.... Maybe time has a direct relation with motion and speed. The faster you go, the faster you move on the 4th dimension. Like when you go near near-lightspeed, you would, once again theoretically, go normal to you, but you would come back in more time then you took. Think about it.
  7. Hello Everyone. I am 13 and in 8th grade. But please do not judge me upon that. I may not be as educated in science as some others on this forums site. But I will listen and do my research. I hope that this can further increase my knowledge of science. I hope enjoy my stay here and I hope there is a good community. My favorite areas of science are Biology and Genetics. Thank You.
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