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Posts posted by Deadmeat

  1. Kant faind in de Internetz wat ma problim iz.


    So, my lower jaw is "pushed back" a bit, my upper jaw "pusshed forward" a bit, and my front 4 teeth (upper jaw) kind of make a big angle, pushing my upper lip forward. I looked in da Internetz and found nothing, but maybe it's just my browser. It's old. Ooooooold. :D So, anybody of you dental surgeons can guess my MEDICAL problem? That would be nice of you.


    Thanks already!



  2. There are links to the phenomena in question. You'll have to be more specific if you still have questions.


    Ok then. Thank you for your help.




    As for Genecks, I agree with you. This might be quantum leaps, but I'm not entirley sure.

  3. I'm writing a project (due monday) and I need some help about the process of how the ozone layer absorbs UV light.


    I really need help on this. Oh, and I need at least one method to prevent the loss of the ozone layer.

  4. What the fu..... :D;)


    Ha ha, joking.


    Ok, I didn't really get you there.


    First of all, space is not a flat surface, so how does a wormhole model look then?


    Second, I don't understand anything from those formulas. I'm only 16.


    Microscopic levels, eh? So they work as a passage between elementary particles, like quarks? Gluons? Ok, you didn't get it.


    Quarks are held together by The Strong Nuclear Forces. What if those "Forces" were actually micro-wormholes? Well, they act as a passageway for the extremely unstable gluons which collapse if they travel even small distances.


    But that's just a theory. That I just made up. I know it makes no sense.

  5. I noticed no one has brought up this topic, so I have the honour to do it. :D


    I understand the principals, but I have a few questions:


    • If a wormhole is created, it affects space and time all around it. The area around the wormhole is seemingly intact, but how does a wormhole affect everything else? I mean, can anybody else, who is not next to the wormhole feel that a wormhole is created?
    • I understood that a wormhole dramatically decreases the distance between two points. Of all the models I saw, it makes a tunnel, but the tunnel has a certain lenght itself. But in the 1997 film "Event Horizon", they scrapped that idea and completely nullified the length of the tunnel. Can a wormhole tunnel have a length of 0? What effect does this have on the two points where the wormhole's ends appear?
    • How can you create a wormhole? As seen in "Event Horizon" they used a fictious device that emmits gravitons. If so, how do these gravitons actually create the wormhole?

  6. I have a theory about gravitons.


    According to everything, if a body has more mass, it has more gravitational force. Why? It doesn't matter if it's 20 million tons of Hydrogenium or 20 million tons of Ferrum, they would both have the same gravitational force.


    Well, I made up a theory that each and every atom (no matter what kind) has the same amount of gravitons, the little mysterious thingys that I know almost nothing about. For what I read, gravitons carry the weakest form of fundamental forces - gravity. If so, that means that gravitons are practically gravity. no matter what kind of atom, it carrys a certain amount of gravitons.


    It's dumb, I know, but it's all I could come up with. :D

  7. ... what was the name of the process, when an electron changes its energy level and emmits photons. I did explain the process right, didi I? :doh: Even if I didn't, you get the idea... :D


    I need information on this phenomenon, I really do.


    Thanks to those who help!

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