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Everything posted by Conceptual

  1. I guess if one looks at all the possible combinations of synapses in pairs of 2,4,8, etc., there are almost endless possibilities. But if one looks at neurons as dipoles, axum and dendrites, where signals move from higher to lower potential, it places a limit on the types and numbers of connections that can form. Some axums flow into the body from the brain implying their being at lower potential. The brain, itself is probably set up as a gradient of sorts, with the center of the brain being at a different potential than the cerebral. This would help create a hierarchy of memory rather than random memory storage. This would narrow possible connections with the goal of minimzation of brain potential.
  2. Memory makes more sense if one looks at the brain as a whole. Different parts of the brain are used for different things. Even the sensory organs are wired to distinct parts of the brain, which are further wired everywhere else. This is useful in that any memory can have many connections, sensory associations, brain associations within all parts of the brain. Cases have been documented where a person has a severe trama to the brain and loses use of an aspect of the brain but will still have full recall of their personal memory, due to it being stored in many place for various levels of comparision. Although the cerebral is somewhat broken into distinct aspects which are somewhat specialized, these distinctions are all wired into the thalamus region in the core of the brain. This is the main crossroads of the brain where everything comes together, including feedback to and from the body. Near the thalamus region there is the limbic system and the ventricles. The core can alter, via the limbic system, the cerebral spinal fluid within the ventricles, which bathes the cerebral aspects of the brain. This can alter the firing potential of neurons allowing certain memory organization to preferentially fire throughout the entire brain. The ego appears to stay in the cerebral matter. What is called the inner self exists within the core region. The inner self can be understood as the center of the subconscious mind. An animal has no ego but does have an instinctive center of consciousness or inner self. If the ego was theoretically moved back to the thalamus, it would be able to use 90-100% of the brain due to the wiring there. But it would lose the cerebral connection that helps build up memory diversity. It would become more natural instinctive and less diferentiated. The ego would need to be shift back and forth from the thalamus to the cerebral for such a neural change to be progressive. Whether this is possible who knows.
  3. The neuron connections or synapses are composed of membrane, proteins, ions and transmitters, each of which are composed on many atoms. The number of connections can not be more than the number of atoms within the brain since each connections requires many atoms to set up the connection. At the same time, the whole neuron is not involved in connections, nor is anything within the neuron directly connected. Also all the water and any nonconducting cells, like blood, add more atoms to the brain's total. As a rough guess the number of neural connections might be something like 1/10,000 of the number of atoms in the brain. That is just a rough guess.
  4. Thought processing has two aspects. One aspect has an emotional valence the second is the thought itself. These are connected due to the formation of cerebral memory being connected to an aspect of the limbic system, which controls emotional valence. One can think of fornication and begin to induce the parallel feelings. Or one can see a beautiful woman who may induce the feelings causing a related fantasy or spontaneous thought processing. The though processing can then reinforce the feelings so that with the stimulus gone, one can still feel the feelings, and drift off further in the inagination, etc. I think what is being discribed is the two ways one can induce thoughts. One can think and then feel, or feel and then think. Both can create the loop. The idea of mortal and venial sin has to do with the direction of the fantasy loop. The ego has some control over where the fantasy is going. It goes to an end that is in contradiction to basic moral value or it can go in contraction to temporal moral value; two types of violation. The sin aspect was an attempt to not let fantasy loops control reality. If one sees a beautiful female and begins to feel for her, the feelings can cause one to drifts off to a happy ending. This might put one out of touch with reality at the very least, or make one try to act out the fanatasy, leading to the violation of another. The purpose of the sin is to force one to question free association. During times of repression, various emotions will pop to the surface to be made conscious or whole again. This can set up the loops. If this is paralled with reality data, projection can take over the objectivity of the ego causing an improper reaction to reality.
  5. Thanks everyone. The center of the cube is probably connected to inertial reference, which in turn is an aspect of human consciousness. However, the half the speed of light makes it unclear why zero reference, as we know it, is actually a relativistic reference. Maybe it has something to do with the human imagination. The Faces of the MDT Cube If we look at the outer faces of the MDT cube, three of the faces will have one parameter always at C with two finite parameters, while the other three opposite faces will be very similar, but will have the parallel C parameters equal to zero. The three cube faces with C allow one to plot three light speed wave phases. EM energy (purple face) is (Vm=C, Vd, Vt). This shows variability in distance (wavelength) and time (frequency) with mass at C (massless state). The heat spectrum (yellow face) is (Vm, Vd=C, Vt). This shows variability in mass and time with distance at C (independent of distance). An example of variability in mass and time is a heated mass gaining mass and then losing mass over times as it radiates heat into space. Here both gravity and heat are changing. While the entropy spectrum (blue face) is (Vm, Vd, Vt=C). This shows variable mass and distance within a timeless state. Good examples of the entropy spectrum are electron orbitals. These entropy states are composed of variable mass/distance within space that last forever. Because a product of the two variables, distance and time, of EM energy always equal the speed of light, it seems reasonable that the other two light speed wave phases would behave in a very similar way due to them also containing a fixed C component. The product of the two varaibles equal to C implies the light speed wave phases defining a line running along a cube face. The cube face surface area is probably indicative of red and blue shifts, which will alter the position of the line for other references, Figure 3. The three opposing faces of the cube represent something complementary with zero relativistic velocity in one parameter instead of the speed of light in that same parameter. The EM complement is (Vm=0, Vd, Vt). It would show variability in distance and time with zero mass. The Heat wave complement is (Vm, Vd=0, Vt), with variable mass and time with zero distance. The Entropy wave complement is (Vm, Vd, Vt=0), with variable mass and distance within zero time. These three faces appear to coordinate the continuity between mass/distance/time and energy and the conversion back and forth. The three C planar faces emanate from the (CCC) origin, while the three planar 0 faces emanate from the (000) origin. The complement between each of the three light speed wave phases and the three zero speed wave phase almost amounts to the same thing. For example, with EM energy mass is zero because it is at the speed of light. The EM complement also has mass at zero but with velocity equal to zero. This seems to imply two fixed values in the universe, 0 and C. The speed of light is well known. The universal zero state appears to also be the same in all references making the laws of physics which created energy to be the same in all references. The diagonal connection between nothingness (000) and eternity (CCC) hooks the three zero references to the three light speed references of the three light speed wave phases. Next, I will discuss the twelve edges of the cube. This connect between the eight apex singularities and define the various inertial connections to three light speed/zero speed wave phases.
  6. The text books tells us what and where, but leave off too much of the how and why. I agree with the use of the cytoskeleton of actin, intermediate filaments and microtubuules to move materials around, but this still comes down to why do these proteins end up here instead of there. During the formation of two daughter cells the cytoskeleton is gone. It equilibrium reforms to help anchor daughter cell configurations and move materials here and there. The cell gradient as I tried to explain, sets up gradient potentials within the cell. High hydrogen bonding potential gradients within actin also implies a need for electron density, in this case ATP. The gradients create their own potentials for the ATP flux that is used to move materials to where they need to be to define equilbrium.
  7. If one looks at the production of ATP within the cell during cell cycles it steadily rises (with a few blips) toward and during mitosis. The ATP production rate of the mitochondria is a direct measurement of the rate of metabolism. The amount of oxygen being consumed by the higher rate of metabolism has to increase to explain the increasing ATP output. The metabolic proteins within the mitochondria are the same, during this ATP rate increase only their rate of reaction have increased. This means electrons are flowing faster down a electron gradient potential toward a terminal electrophilic acceptor (oxygen). If one increase the electrophilic potential of the terminal electron acceptor, the rate will increase. This is provided for by the increase in the cell's aqueous H potential (electrophilic potential increases within the cell).
  8. If one looks at cells, once the structures of cells are positioned, new proteins seem to know where to go. The cell is not helter-skelter, but rather distinct cellular proteins and the distinct configuration which they define are positioned within the cell. Ion pumps always find the cell membrane. The ribosomes don't usually become active within the nuclear membrane but usually leave the nuclear membrane and diffuse to their asigned postions within the cytoplasm to become active, etc. There is no little traffic cop directing intercellular traffic yet the materials know where to go. Random motion is out of the question. The reason they diffuse to distinct positions is due to hydrogen bonding equilibrium. In simple terms there is a configruational potential between the DNA and the cellular membrane, based on hydrogen bonding potential. Large material configurations and all their subunit proteins find an equilibrium position within the gradient set up by these two poles. The downstream gradient of material goes from the DNA to the cellular membrane while the upstream gradient (cellular material input) starts at the cell membrane and reaches the DNA for genetic pertubations that alter the downstream output. During cell cycles the gradient potential changes due to the alteration of the cell membrane potential and the structural changes within the DNA during mitosis. All the materials within the cell will need to alter their positions within the new emerging gradient. This will help separate the materials for two daughter cells.
  9. I agree with RyanJ in that the chloroplast probably came first. The reason being the solar potential. This was probably the major energy source that was acting on the evolving pre-cells. The mitochondria would have evolved due to the chloroplast food output within the water. This would create a new chemical potential within the water from which the mitochondria could evolve.
  10. Those changes within the nuclear membrane are equilibrium phenomena connected to hydrogen bonding potential. The DNA defines high hydrogen bonding potential, in part, due to every base pair having an extra hydrogen bonding hydrogen thay does not form. The packing proteins or histones are rich is residues with many hydrogen bonding hydrogen. When the DNA condenses into chromosomes, a relatively high hydrogen bonding potential molecule (DNA) is packing with very high hydrogen bonding potential histones. The result is very large composites that define very high hydrogen bonding potential. These composites are dissolved in water and thereby conduct this hydroge bonding potential into the aquoeus hydrogen bonding potential of the nucleus water. The change in the nuclear membrane only happens at this time. Is this cooincidental?
  11. I am not talking about cell division. I am talking about the increased metabolic activity leading up to cell division. The unsaturation of the cell membrane makes the reversal of the potassium channels increase, thereby lowering the cell membrane potential. The higher ATP flux into the cell membrane is due to more sodium leaking back in. These changes parallels the increase in cellular metabolism and the increase in ATP production. The alterred membrane potential changes the potential within the cell's water.
  12. If you look at some of Freud's early papers, as a grad student, one can see that the literature was already substantial before 1900. He is considered the father of psychoanalysis. It turned the pioneering psych-sciences into something more practical and useful for the average person.
  13. The disappearance of the nuclear membrane after the DNA condenses into chromsomes is an anomoly can be explained with hydrogen bonding. When the nuclear membrane goes from a large single structure into many smaller subunits, so it can disperse, the effect is due to surface tension with the nucleus of the cell. The increased surface tension within the nuclear membrane is directly related to the condensed chromosomes. Condensed chromosomes are the highest hydrogen bonding potential structures within the entire cell cycle. These increase the hydrogen bonding potential within the nucleus water and thereby increase the hydrogen bonding potential within the nuclear membrane. The result is increased surface tension to make more nuclear membrane surface area. The connection between hydrogen bonding potential and surface tension is actually quite simple. When water is in contact with hydrophobic materials, aqueus hydrogen bonds can not form. This increases the hydrogen bonding potential of the water. The reverse is also true, if the hydrogen bonding potential of the water is induced locally high, in this case by the condensed chromosomes, the surface tension defined within the nucleus water and by the local structures are induced to increase.
  14. If one looks at a cell during the cell cycle, the metabolic oxidation potential will increase when the cell is actively dividing. The reason this occurs is because of the change within the cellular membrane potential, i.e, lowers. The lowering of the cell membrane potential makes the inside of the cell membrane less negative. This causes the hydrogen bonding potential within the cell water to increase. This, in turn, will increase the electrophilc potential of the cellular water. Molecular oxygen is also electrophilic and is the terminal electron acceptor of the metabolism; oxygen will form water. With the electrophilic potential of the cell water slightly higher due to the ion pump reversal, this will increase the electrophilic potential of the output water. The dissolved oxygen will also become more electrophilic. The net effect is an increasing rate of electron flow toward the terminal electron acceptor.
  15. The MDT or special relativity cube stemmed from a preliminary model in which I defined particles in terms of just ratios of mass, distance and time potential. It was assumed that all larger particles were composed of near infintessimal subunits of mass, distance and time. From this limiting set of subunits, one could define any particle state by giving the subunits various amounts and ratios of relativistic velocity, where each can be affected independantly of each other. The exception is where the whole 3-parameter composite particle was given a relativistic velocity. This would cause all three variables to change at the same time as is normally assumed the case. The tiny subunits are not yet proven to exist. This is similar to the strings of string theory. The difference with this model is that proof of the subunits is required before practical utility of the model is accepted. My hope is that the same creative liberty that given to string theory will be granted to this model with the hope that the practical utility of the final model will justify a future investigation of its near infinitessimal but finite subunits of mass, distance and time. The idea of an electron to be compose low mass potential and high time and distance potential, due to the relativistic velocity of its tiny subunits of mass, distance and time is not that far fetched. If one looks at string theory, are not the strings assumed to be at or near an energy type reference? The difference with the MDT model is that it is possible to create the smallest subunits using a very simple potential between two references, i.e., speed of light and a universal zero reference. The MDT cube hints of this potential between (000) and (CCC). It can be derived much more elegantly by looking at cosmology at t=0. To give one another demonstration of the power and simplicity of the MDT model, I would like to briefly discuss the six possible cosmology scenarios that are predicted by the MDT model or six possible ways for the universe to form, i.e., the six three-parameter combinations of MDT: (MTD, TMD, TDM, DTM, DMT, MDT). The first two are open and closed continuum particle expansion models, i.e., Big Bang. The second two are continuum and expanding wave models like Wave-Particle Theory and String Theory. The last two are unexplored quantum cosmology models. The only things that one needs to know is that distance potential is connected that anything that expresses distance, such as velocity and entropy, etc.. Time potential changes are expressed as heat. The reason time potential changes are heat is that changes in time potential imply changes of relativistic velocity since the based units are always conserved. Mass potential changes reflect just changes in mass. Once any of these three tiny particle state, decrease from C reference, they begin to decay. The first two have mass potential and time potential (heat) appearing before entropy or distance potential. These are analogous to the primordial atom of the Big Bang Theory, i.e., hot-mass-bang (expand). If mass potential appears before time potential the greater decay of mass potential will result in a smaller hotter mass leading to an open universe. The second will result in heat or time potential decaying more than mass potential implying a more massive somewhat cooler primordial atom leading to a closed universe. The second pair begins the universe with distance and time potential before adding mass potential. This implies energy waves appearing in the universe before mass potential. The first of the two has time potential or heat decaying before distance potential implying a very rapid expansion of cooler energy. This is implicit of wave-particle theory. While the second with distance potential decaying more than time potential or heat implies a slowing expansion of hotter energy roughly similar to the Big Bang. This is analogous to String Theory. The last pair are quantum models where mass and distance potential appear before time potential and heat. These imply the mass quantum entropy expanding before time, heat and force appear. The first by having distance potential decay more than mass potential implies a tighter heavier quantum expansion. While the second by having mass potential decay more than distance potential implies a more extensive lighter quantum expansion. In the case of the quantum expansion, T stays at C, until the mass quatum divides and the spread out and then drops from C Any of these scenarios are possible with the MDT model; one needs to look at the latest astrophysics data. The MDT scenario, which this model is named after, best accommodates the lastest astrophysics data. This scenario has the t=0 universe quantum dividing down to the galaxy level. These quanta all simultaneously mini big bang expand when T drops from C. This phase change creates the energy pressure waves needed for the expansion of the galaxies with respect to each other. For my next installment, I will return to the MDT cube and explain the six faces of the cube. These six faces define three light speed wave phases. In a future discussion, the twelve edges will be discussed. These will define and integrate the four forces of nature, space, and a zero reference by which one can correlate both particle and astrophysics on the same cube.
  16. I would to present an analysis for comment. I figured out a way to plot the eight mathematical singularities of physics with just three variables. Here is the gist of the model. Normally when one talks in terms of special relativity one uses examples like a spaceship traveling near C where its mass, distance and time are all experiencing special relativity. Thinking about this, I began to look at the possibility maybe the three variables do not always change together in a linear relationship. What made me think this way was connected to trying to explain why common matter lasts so long compared to particle accelerator matter. One explanation was maybe common matter is time dilated, so that even though accelerator matter may have the same mass, it does not have as much time dilation. Using the assumption of nonlinear special relativity in mass, distance and time, I plotted the three variables, relativistic mass, distance and time as separate axis on a 3-D grid. If one looks at the three equations of special relativity, which define relativistic mass, distance contraction and time dilation, special relativity gamma can go from 0 to infinity. This range makes it difficult to plot the relativity effects on mass, distance and time on a finite piece of paper. So what I did instead was plot the gamma velocity V, as Vm, Vd, Vt. The gamma velocity V is constrained from 0 to C (speed of light) and therefore has finite boundries and therefore can be plotted. I was using V as a function to express the relativity effect in mass, distance and time on a graph with finite boundries. For example, Vm=C, implies infinite mass, even though V was plotted. If we plot Vm, Vd, and Vt from 0-C, as the x,y,z axis the result is the MDT cube. As the velocity of any finite mass, distance and time component becomes C, gamma will increase to infinity resulting in infinite relativity in that component. Alternately if the velocity of any finite mass, distance and time component becomes 0, gamma will equal zero and these will contain no relativity. The eight apex velocity points will result in the same relativistic values independent of any starting mass, distance or time, since any value will lead to the same result of zero and infinity with respect to effects of velocity and gamma. With the starting mass, distance and time arbitrary for the apex points of the cube, I decided to use the smallest measures of near infinitesimal but finite rest mass, size, time. The eight apex points of the cube are labelled in more detail in the second figure. There are two uniform apex singularities (000) and (CCC) and six intermediate apex singularities with various combinations of 0 and C. The apex at (C, 0, C) is the black hole. Vm=C would define infinite mass and the extreme effects of black hole gravity, while Vt=C will define its very long life stability. The Vd=0 would define its singularity with respect to inertial size or distance. Absolute zero is the apex at (0, C, 0). Absolute zero is not a possible mass state or Vm=0. The inertial universe can’t exist at absolute zero so its time or Vt=0. While the uniform coldness of space implies this apex needing to be everywhere with respect to distance or Vd=C for absolute zero to exist. These two fixed but diagonally opposing apexes will also set a potential with each other, keeping each singularity from forming in the universe, while still forming finite versions of each other within the universe, i.e., finite phenomena that behave like black holes (C-, 0+, C-) and the near absolute zero temperature of space (0+, C-, 0+). The second pair of diagonally opposing apexes is (0, C, C) and (C, 0, 0). The first implies zero mass with infinite distance and time. This would be infinite eternal empty space. The second would have infinite mass but no size and would not last even an instant. This is the hypothetical mass point singularity. Their fixed positions on the cube and the potential between them creates finite instead of completely empty infinite space (0+, C-, C-) and a finite mass singularity that is a little bigger than a point that lasts a little longer than an instant (C-, 0+, 0+). This would analogous to a primordial atom. The third pair of diagonally opposing apexes is (C, C, 0) and (0, 0, C). The first would have infinite mass stretched out over infinite distance but only lasting an instant. The second would have no mass or size but would last an eternity. The first would be similar to the near infinite mass point spread uniformly over infinite space for an instant. The second is eternal time without any mass or size. Their fixed positions and the potential between will create a nearly infinite mass spread over a near infinite universe that lasts slightly longer than an instant (C-, C-, 0+). The second will result in a very large but finite time interval with a very small amount of mass and size (0+, 0+, C-), i.e., tiny long-lived particles. The final pair of diagonally opposing apexes is (000) and (CCC). The two uniform apex singularities (000) and (CCC) are traditionally called nothingness and eternity. The (000) reference will see nothing beyond near infinitesimal. While the (CCC) reference will see the entire universe pulled in. With these two apex references fixed in place on the cube, the relativistic potential between nothingness and eternity will define something tiny (0+, 0+, 0+), analogous to the short-lived reference particle of this analysis, and something less than eternity (C-, C-, C-), analogous to the finite universe, respectively. If one extrapolates the potential between all the diagonally opposing apex point pairs they all meet in the center of the cube. This is the point where all the opposing apex potentials overlap, simultaneously. Its position within the center of the cube implies it moving uniformly at half the speed of light, Figure 2b. It would be the reference where the four pairs of opposing singularities have no potential with each other and with the other singularities.
  17. I think the confusion is that there are two different aspects of time. The first is the most common and is the human cogntitive perception connected to changes of state along a line of time. One needs time to drive to work or school. The other is what I call time potential. Special relativity is where the two aspects of time appear to separate. The faster relativistic reference takes more traditionally defined time for events to occur due to time dilation. However, the time potential of the faster reference, as I have tried to define it, will be the same in both references; special relativity is one aspect of time potential. I guess I could have called time potential something else to avoid the confusion, like strings or springs, but this would require a new set of equations to make the variable work. Leaving the variable as time potential allows the existing equations of physics which have the time variable in them to be used as is. Only a slight change of orientation is needed to make the variable work. Time potential, may be just a conceptual variable that may or may not have direct validity in physical reality, like strings, but it allows one to correlate the same phenomena with much less effort. It is part of a new physics system that can correlate particles, astro-physics, and chemistry with just three variables, mass, distance and time potential. I am going to set up a new thread called the MDT Cube in the theoretical forum, which will use only these three variables to correlate the eight mathematical singularities of astro-physics, i.e, point, infinity, black hole, primordial atom, absolute zero, etc. This is an intro to the model. If there is interest, the model will be developed from this unusual foundation to integrate three light speed wave phases and the four forces of nature. Once the model is fully developed, everything that is fundamental to the laws of physics will be integrated using only three variables and one diagram, i.e, the four forces, EM energy, heat, entropy, speed of light, space, eight singularites, particle states, the universe, zero reference, relativity, doppler shift and reference, etc. The MDT model can also be used to predict six possible cosmology scenarios. There are two continuum expansions, two wave expansions and two quantum expansions. The lastest astrophysics data which has galaxies forming in 200Millions years from t=0, implies that one of the quantum models happened this universe cycle.
  18. A virus is fairly simple and contains RNA or DNA and a protein coating. It is not alive but needs a host to propagate itself. It simple state would suggest their existance before any viable cells. As cells began to evolve, viruses may have played a role in the evolution of cells by helping to modify the DNA faster than random mutations. Somewhere along the way their role changed into being more detrimental. This may have been due to multicellular lifeforms having a better way to evolve the DNA.
  19. Freud was part of the late 19th psychology movement that tried to rationalize away religion. Once the religious methods for regulating unconscious psycho-dynamics were removed for large numbers of people with logic, it created a hole in the unconscious minds of people. Psychology was one of the movements to help fill in the void. There were also religious/pseudo-scientific, philosophical and political movements to help fill in the void. There were also two world wars.
  20. I am a fan of the psychologist Carl Jung. He was Freud's star pupil until they had a parting of the ways. Freud's orientation is more ego-centric with the ego being influenced by the id (instincts) and superego (culture). Jung's thesis broke the id up into not just the personal unconscious but also a deeper layer he called the collective unconscious. The collective unconscious is part of the unconscious mind that is more collective in nature instead of individual. For example, falling in love, is something common to all humans at one time or another. It creates personality dynamics that are beyond the ego to create for itself. In this case, the unconscious mind sort of takes over and the ego goes for a ride. Jung tries to show how there are many such phenomena of the brain which he called the archetypes. These can be looked at as being similar to personality software of the unconscious mind. Periodically, the software is loaded and helps the ego gain experience. The ancient people were much more affected by these personality software and called these their gods, who would interfere in human life and drive the ego to states of sublime all the way to beastial behavior. For the most part these are repressed by modern culture but traces of them can still be found in dreams. Things like aliens can be viewed as modern gods and a more than likely projections from the collective unconscious. These phenomena are trying to reach consciousness within certain people.
  21. When I said that time was moving forward to the future I was speaking figuratively. A better analogy would be a hot object slowly cooling. The loss of time potential as heat moves (figuratively) the object into a future cooler state where its time potential has decreased. If it is windy out and there is good convection the future state will happen faster. Time dilation contains potential energy. The potential energy is induced by the relativistic velocity. The same can be said for mass and distance. To decellerate from relativistic speed back to inertial needs to release the kinetic energy somehow. Time is normally viewed as a concept to explain changes of state. But why would special relativity has an impact on a product of the imagination. Is special relativity 1/3 fantasy and 2/3 substance.
  22. Moon habitation only needs hydrogen. There is already plenty of oxygen contained with mineral oxides (lunar dirt) and plenty of solar heat. If one figures culture has only been around for less than 10k years and we have already been to the moon using only computers as powerful as a modern PC, 1 billion years is plenty of time to prepare. Necessity is the mother of invention. If those calculations are true there are already serious minds making preparations.
  23. String theory is a good mathematical correlation but has no experimental proof of the strings. A good correlation does not reality make. A good correlation fits the data but should not be misunderstood as reflecting reality. I like a new theory better called the MDT theory. It only requires three variables that are already well characterized, mass, distance and time. The gist of this theory is that if one looks at special relativity, the only things that change with referecne are mass, distance and time. The laws of physics stay the same in all references but vary between references in mass, distance and time. The way the model works is that every particle including eneryg contains various ratios of mass, distance and time potential. Energy has no mass potential but only distance and time potential (wavelength and frequency). Common matter has more time potential than the matter stemming from particle accelerators (last longer). The latter can have more mass and distance potential but seem to have little time potential. Using the ratio of these three variables one can define any particle state. The forces of nature reflects various parameters changing or lowering potential. The EM force alters the distince and time potential of charged particles to release energy; wavelength/frequnecy (distance and time potential). The nuclear force alters the mass and time potential of particles to create heat with little impact on the distance potential, etc. The electron is mostly distance potential. If we lower its distance potential enough, it will decouple from the magnetic force. It will still have distance potential as charge. If we further lower distance potential it will decouple from charge. These are the electrons fused to protons to make neutrons. What is slick about the theory is that it can do something none of the existing models can do, that is interface directly with chemistry. For example, the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen gases to produce water lowers the time potential and the distance potential of the reactants. The crtical state of water increase the distance potential of water which will alters its chemical properties allowing it to better dissolve or transfer the distance potential to other minerals. .
  24. These observed stars are steady state stars where gravity is too high for fusion eddies to form. The answer to your question is exothermic output. Pound for pound one will get more heat from fusing hydrogen than from any of the higher atoms. These smaller hydrogen nuclei can also diffuse easier through high density. The lower heat output stemming from the fusion of higher atoms means less star fluff and more compression effects from gravity. The higher density then means the diffusion and convection of the larger atoms gets harder and harder. This further slows fusion and causes the core heat to fall further, eventually allowing gravity to collapse the star for a subsequent rapid expansion. The rapid expansion is for recyle of materials back into the galaxy. The momentum of the dynamic collaspe compresses higher atoms to where they fission down into smaller and medium atoms (if everything does not form neutron density). The rebound or bounce from the terminal state of the collapse temporarily lowers the pressure with the result being like opening a can of soda. The light atoms sort of bubble or rapidly expand for recycle into the galaxy.
  25. I am going to propose another new theory. If we look at animals they are naturally intergrated with their environment. This suggests that they instinctively thought process more in the right or 3-D spatial side of the brain. Modern humans are more rational and we use the left side of the brain as our center area of consciousness. The left side of the brain is more 2-D or based on cause and effect. Here is the theory. If human evolved from animals, it would follow that at one time we were all more centered in the right hemisphere. The evolution into the left hemisphere was probably a slow process and did not occur all at once. The observation that human culture had evolved such high level of sophication at the time of Rome and then regressed into the dark ages seems to imply that this was the transition point where the ego began to radially shift into the left hemisphere. The time of Rome was a time of paradoxes of personality. These were very wild yet creative times, implicit of more right hemisphere useage or more unconsciousness. Rational thinking was thought to stem from the goddess rationalis. This seems to imply the left hemisphere being induced but not the steady state posiiton of the ego in the brain. Once the ego was permenently grounded in the left side during the dark ages, the ego had to reinvent itself, which took many centuries.
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